Historical Events In September - 05
Friday, 21 February 2025
1187 On September - 05 louis VIII, [Coeur-de-Lion] king of France (1223-26)
1198 Philips van Zwaben Hohenstaufen crowned king of Roman Catholic Germany on September - 05.
1235 On September - 05 henry I, duke of Brabant, dies
1319 Pedro IV, king of Aragon on this day in history.
1519 On September - 05 2nd Battle of Tehuacingo, Mexico: Hernan Cortes vs Tlascala Aztecs
1548 Catharine Parr, queen of England/wife of Henry VIII, dies at about 36 on September - 05.
1550 On September - 05 william Cecil appoints himself English minister of foreign affairs
1566 Suleiman I, Great Law Giver, sultan of Turkey (1520-66), dies at 71 on September - 05.
1569 On September - 05 pieter Bruegel, South Netherlands painter, dies at about 44
1572 On this day in history pieter Tichelmann, Flemish Franciscan, dies at about 71
1590 On this day in history alexander Farnese's army forces Henry IV of France to raise the siege of Paris.
1596 On this day in history dutch fleet commander Cornelis de Houtman taken hostage in Java
1600 Loreto Vittori, composer on this day in history.
1622 Richelieu becomes cardinal on this day in history.
1634 On this day in history -6] Battle at Nordlingen: King Ferdinand III & Spain beat Sweden & German protestants
1638 Louis XIV, Sun King, king of France (1643-1715) [OS] on September - 05.
1644 Prince Frederik Henry conquerors Sas of Gent on September - 05.
1644 Gillis Schey, Dutch admiral (battle at Lowestoft) on this day in history.
1659 On this day in history pieter de Carpentier, Flemish gov-gen of Neth East-Indies, dies at 71
1661 French superintendant of Finance Nicolas Fouquet arrested on this day in history.
1666 On this day in history great Fire of London ends, leaving 13,200 houses destroyed and 8 dead
1666 On this day in history gottfried Arnold, German theologist/historian/songwriter
1683 Jean-Baptiste Colbert, French Minister of Navy, dies at 64 on September - 05.
1684 On September - 05 john Uytenhage van Lacks, lawyer/author, drowned at 48
1688 On September - 05 lukas Fencer, Dutch poet (Fight of Kings & Mice)
1694 Frantisek Antonin Mica, composer on September - 05.
1698 On September - 05 russia's Peter the Great imposes a tax on beards
1725 French King Louis XV marries Polish princess Mary Lesczynski on September - 05.
1734 On September - 05 jean-Benjamin de La Borde, composer
1735 Johann Christian Bach, composer, son of JS Bach (English Bach) on this day in history.
1737 Johann Friedrich Gottlieb Beckmann, composer on September - 05.
1750 On this day in history decree issued in Paderborn Prussia allows for annual search of all Jewish homes for stolen or "doubtful" goods
1750 Robert Fergusson, Scottish poet (Scots poems) on this day in history.
1767 August Wilhelm Schlegel, German poet/translator/critic on this day in history.