Historical Events In 1694
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 06 Francesco Morosini, Italian army general, dies in the year 1694.
Jan 07 On this day in history charles Gerard, 1st Earl of Macclesfield, English general (bc. 1618)
Jan 30 On this day in history joseph Joachim Benedict Munster, composer
Feb 01 In the year 1694 john L baron van Elderen, 63rd bishop of Liege (1688-94), dies at 73
Feb 20 The birth of Voltaire, French writer and scientist in the year 1694.
Apr 03 Ferdinand van Apshoven de Jongere, Flemish painter, buried at 64 on this day in history.
Apr 07 Coelestin Praelisauer, composer on this day in history.
Apr 10 Duke Victor Amadeus of Savoye attacks Casale on this day in history.
Apr 27 In the year 1694 frederik August I "the Strong" becomes monarch of Saksen
Apr 27 Johan Georg IV, elector of Saxony (1691-94), dies at 25 on this day in history.
Jun 04 Francois Quesnay, French personal physician of Louis XIV on this day in history.
Jun 07 English invasion army under Thomas Talmash reaches Brest in the year 1694.
Jun 08 English troop landing at Brest attack (300 killed) in the year 1694.
Jun 20 Hans A Brorson, Danish poet/bishop of Ribe in the year 1694.
Jun 29 Dutch fleet attacks French grain transports in the year 1694.
Jul 04 Louis-Claude Daquin, [d'Acquin], French organist/composer (La Rose) in the year 1694.
Jul 07 Dokusho, Zen teacher, Obaku line, dies in the year 1694.
Jul 11 On this day in history charles-Antoine Coypel, French carpet designer
Jul 26 Johann Samuel Endler, composer in the year 1694.
Jul 27 In the year 1694 bank of England chartered
Jul 27 Bank of England granted 12 year charter by Act of Parliament in the year 1694.
Jul 27 Parliament creates The Bank of England in the year 1694.
Jul 27 In the year 1694 the Bank of England receives a royal charter as a commercial institution.
Aug 05 Leonardo Ortensio Salvatore de Leo, composer on this day in history.
Aug 08 In the year 1694 antoine Arnauld [le grand Arnauld], French lawyer/theology, dies at 82
Aug 24 Theodor A Freiherr von Neuhoff, German adventurer/king [or 8/25] on this day in history.
Sep 05 In the year 1694 frantisek Antonin Mica, composer
Sep 22 Lord Chesterfield, letter writer; introduced Gregorian calendar (1752) in the year 1694.
Sep 23 In the year 1694 francesco Passarini, composer, dies at 57
Sep 27 Hurricane hits Carlisle Bay Barbados; 27 Brit ships sink & 3,000 die on this day in history.
Sep 28 Mouton, mathematician, dies in the year 1694.
Oct 12 Matsuo Basho, greatest Japanese haiku poet, dies on this day in history.
Oct 16 In the year 1694 samuel Freiherr von Pufendorf, German lawyer, dies at 62
Oct 23 On this day in history american colonial forces, led by Sir William Phipps, fail to seize Quebec.
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