Historical Events In 1767
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Jan 08 On this day in history abraham de Veer, Dutch governor-general of Suriname (1822-28)
Jan 24 Antony CW Staring, Dutch lawyer/poet (Jaromir) on this day in history.
Feb 04 In the year 1767 johann Franz Volkert, composer
Mar 13 In the year 1767 heinrich Domnich, composer
Mar 15 On this day in history andrew Jackson, Carolinas, General/(D) 7th pres (1829-37)
Mar 15 The birth of Andrew Jackson, Twice President of the United States on this day in history.
Mar 19 Leonhard von Call, composer in the year 1767.
Mar 20 Firmin Abauzit, French huguenot/scholar, dies at 87 in the year 1767.
Mar 22 Cornelis T Elout, Dutch minister of Finance in the year 1767.
Mar 25 Joachim Murat, marshal of France/King of Naples (1808-15) on this day in history.
Apr 07 Franz Sparry, composer, dies at 51 on this day in history.
Apr 08 In the year 1767 ayutthaya kingdom falls to Burmese invaders.
Apr 27 In the year 1767 andreas Jakob Romberg, German violinist/composer (Song of the Clock)
Apr 30 In the year 1767 jean Henri Appelius, lawyer/minister of Finance
May 13 On this day in history mozart's opera "Apollo et Hyacinthus," premieres in Salzburg
May 14 British government disbands Americans import duty on tea in the year 1767.
May 18 On this day in history thaddaus Ferdinand Lipowsky, composer, dies at 28
May 24 In the year 1767 joseph Ignaz Schnabel, composer
May 25 In the year 1767 ferdinand Franzl, composer
Jun 15 Rachel Donelson Jackson, wife of Pres Andrew (1828-37) (died 1828) in the year 1767.
Jun 18 On this day in history samuel Wallis, an English sea captain, sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island.
Jun 22 The birth of Karl Von Humboldt, German explorer in the year 1767.
Jun 25 Georg Philipp Telemann, German late-barok composer, dies at 86 on this day in history.
Jun 29 British passes Townshend Revenue Act levying taxes on America on this day in history.
Jul 03 Pitcairn Island is discovered by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret on this day in history.
Jul 11 John Quincy Adams, Braintree (Quincy) Mass, 6th Pres (D) (1825-1829) in the year 1767.
Jul 11 In the year 1767 the birth of John Quincy Adams, Former (6th) American President
Jul 31 Amelie Julia Candielle, composer on this day in history.
Aug 28 Johann Schobert, composer, dies in the year 1767.
Aug 30 In the year 1767 christian Frederich Gottlieb Schwencke, composer
Sep 05 On this day in history august Wilhelm Schlegel, German poet/translator/critic
Sep 08 In the year 1767 karl August von Lichtenstein, composer
Sep 17 On this day in history henri-Montan Berton, composer
Sep 20 Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia, composer in the year 1767.
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