Historical Events In November - 26
Saturday, 08 February 2025
0399 On November - 26 st Siricius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0399 Siricius, Italian Pope (384-99), dies on November - 26.
0579 On November - 26 pelagius II begins his reign as Catholic Pope
0666 Yeon Gaesomun dictator of Goguryeo (other sources indicate death date as 664 or 665) on this day in history.
0783 On this day in history the Asturian queen Adosinda is put up in a monastery to prevent her kin from retaking the throne from Mauregatus.
1126 Al-Borsoki, emir of Aleppo-Mosoel, assassinated on November - 26.
1240 Edmund Van Abingdon, archbishop of Canterbury/saint, dies on November - 26.
1267 Gozzolini Silvester, Italian hermit/saint, dies on this day in history.
1476 Vlad III Dracula defeats Basarab Laiota with the help of Stephen the Great and Stephen V Bathory and becomes the ruler of Wallachia for the third time on November - 26.
1527 On November - 26 pope Clemens VII signs treaty with emperor Karel I
1580 French Huguenots & Roman Catholics sign peace treaty on November - 26.
1598 Jacob of Necks merchant fleet reaches Bantam West-Java on this day in history.
1607 John Harvard, England, clergyman/scholar, founded Harvard Univ on this day in history.
1621 Radulph Agas, English surveyor (C. 1540) on November - 26.
1640 Carl Rosier, composer on November - 26.
1648 On this day in history pope Innocent X condemns Peace of Westfalen
1651 On November - 26 henry Ireton, English gen/parliament leader (Marston Moor), dies at 40
1653 On this day in history andreas Anton Schmelzer, composer
1653 On November - 26 maximilian Teellinck, vicar, dies at about 51
1663 On this day in history pedro de Peralta y Barnuevo, Peruvian poet (Obras Dramaticas)
1688 On this day in history duke of Savoye signs on to League of Augsburg
1688 Philippe Quinault, French playwright (L'amant Indiscreet), dies at 53 on November - 26.
1702 On November - 26 premiere of Colley Cibber's "King Imposter"
1703 Bristol England damaged by hurricane, Royal Navy loses 15 warships on November - 26.
1703 On November - 26 -27] Heavy storm hits England 1000s killed
1716 On November - 26 the first lion exhibited in America (Boston)
1716 On November - 26 1st lion exhibited in America (Boston)
1731 William Cowper, England, pre-romantic poet (His Task) [NS] on November - 26.
1736 Charles-Joseph Panckoucke, French publisher (Mercure de France) on November - 26.
1741 On November - 26 french & Beiers army occupies Prague
1744 Karl Siegmund von Seckendorff, composer on November - 26.
1754 On November - 26 georg Forster, writer
1764 France bans Jesuit enorde on November - 26.
1776 Dov Baer of Mezhirech, hassidic rabbi, dies on November - 26.
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