Historical Events In 1731
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 10 In the year 1731 charles Farnese becomes duke of Parma/Piacenza
Jan 27 On this day in history bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori, Ital piano builder, dies at 75
Feb 02 In the year 1731 georg F Händels opera "Poro," premieres in London
Feb 02 Georg F Handel's opera "Poro," premieres in London on this day in history.
Feb 20 Frederich Karl Erbach, composer, dies at 50 in the year 1731.
Feb 22 In the year 1731 frederik Ruysch, Dutch anatomist, dies at 92
Feb 25 Simon Stijl, Frisian physician/writer on this day in history.
Feb 27 On this day in history angelo Predieri, composer, dies at 76
Mar 07 In the year 1731 jean-Louis Laruette, composer
Mar 11 Robert Treat Paine, judge, signer (Declaration of Independence) on this day in history.
Mar 15 In the year 1731 adolf H van Rechteren, Dutch diplomat/politician, dies at 75
Mar 16 In the year 1731 treaty of Vienna Emperor Charles VI of England &Netherlands
Mar 16 Treaty of Vienna: Emperor Charles VI of England & Netherlands in the year 1731.
Mar 16 Treaty of Vienna: Emperor Charles VI of England &Netherlands on this day in history.
Mar 24 Naturalization of Hieronimus de Salis Parliamentary Act is passed on this day in history.
Apr 04 Francisco Morera, composer on this day in history.
Apr 08 William Williams, US merchant (signed Decl of Independence) in the year 1731.
Apr 10 On this day in history maximilian Dietrich Freisslich, composer, dies at 58
Apr 24 Daniel Defoe English novelist (Robinson Crusoe), dies in the year 1731.
Apr 24 Daniel Defoe, English novelist (Robinson Crusoe), dies on this day in history.
Apr 26 In the year 1731 daniel Defoe, English author (Robinson Crusoe), dies at about 70
May 11 In the year 1731 johann Gottfried Seyfert, composer
May 28 All Hebrew books in Papal State are confiscated on this day in history.
May 29 In the year 1731 orazio Mei, composer
Jul 03 On this day in history samuel Huntington, (Gov-Ct), Continental Congress pres
Jul 22 On this day in history spain signs Treaty of Vienna
Aug 04 Giuseppe Colla, composer on this day in history.
Aug 17 Johann Augustin Kobelius, composer, dies at 57 in the year 1731.
Sep 01 On this day in history pierre Danican Philidor, composer, dies at 50
Sep 02 Johann F von Cronegk, German playwright (Olint und Sophronia) on this day in history.
Sep 03 Willem KH Friso installed as viceroy of Friesland in the year 1731.
Sep 07 On this day in history damasus Brosmann, composer
Sep 20 In the year 1731 sicco van Goslinga, Fries diplomat/sect of High Council, dies at 67
Oct 10 In the year 1731 henry Cavendish, England, physicist/chemist (discovered hydrogen)
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