Historical Events In 1702
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Jan 06 In the year 1702 jose Melchior de Nebra Blascu, composer
Jan 06 In the year 1702 thomas Franklin, English smith/uncle of B Franklin, dies [NS=Jan 17]
Jan 13 Peter Rabus, Dutch poet/translator (Great Name Book), dies at 41 on this day in history.
Jan 17 In the year 1702 thomas Franklin, English smith/uncle of B Franklin, dies [OS=Jan 6]
Jan 28 Hermanus Noordkerk, Dutch lawyer in the year 1702.
Feb 10 On this day in history jean-Pierre Guignon, composer
Feb 27 Johann Valentin Gorner, composer on this day in history.
Mar 08 England Queen Anne ascends throne upon death of King William III in the year 1702.
Mar 08 England's Queen Anne ascends throne upon death of King William III in the year 1702.
Mar 08 In the year 1702 john de Baen, portrait painter/etcher, buried at 69
Mar 11 1st English daily newspaper "Daily Courant," publishes on this day in history.
Mar 11 In the year 1702 the 'Daily Courant', the first successful English newspaper, was first published. It consisted of only 1 sheet
Mar 11 The first English daily newspaper "Daily Courant", publishes on this day in history.
Mar 19 In the year 1702 james II's daughter Anne Stuart becomes queen of England
Mar 19 On this day in history willem III Henry, [Dutch William], king of England/Scot, dies at 51
Mar 21 In the year 1702 queen Anne Stuart addresses English parliament
Mar 25 Christian Gottlieb Ziegler, composer in the year 1702.
Mar 27 In the year 1702 johann Ernst Eberlin, composer
Apr 20 Comet C/1702 H1 approaches within 0.0437 AUs of Earth in the year 1702.
Apr 27 In the year 1702 jean Bart, French capt/sea hero (Escape out of Plymouth), dies at 51
May 01 In the year 1702 smallpox in Canada, New France
May 05 Jacob Hintze, composer, dies at 79 in the year 1702.
May 14 On this day in history england & Netherlands declares war on France & Spain
May 14 Swedish troops under King Charles XII occupy Warsaw in the year 1702.
May 15 War of Spanish Succession, 1st Amer conflict between England & France on this day in history.
May 15 War of Spanish Succession, first American conflict between England & France in the year 1702.
Jun 15 Georg E Rumphius, German nature explorer, dies in the year 1702.
Jun 26 On this day in history philip Doddridge, England, Dr/nonconformist clergyman
Jul 06 Franz Anton Maichelbeck, composer on this day in history.
Jul 17 Johann Schneider, composer on this day in history.
Jul 19 In the year 1702 swedish troops under King Charles XII occupy Crackow
Aug 15 Francesco Zuccarelli, Italian rococo painter/etcher in the year 1702.
Aug 19 In the year 1702 -24] Battle at Santa Marta Venz: English fleet beat French
Aug 20 In the year 1702 stepan F graaf Apraksin, Russian general-fieldmarshal
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