Historical Events In May - 04
Friday, 21 February 2025
1006 On May - 04 abd-Allah Ansari, Persian mystic/poet (Monadjat)
1256 On this day in history the Augustinian monastic order is constituted at the Lecceto Monastery when Pope Alexander IV issues a papal bull Licet ecclesiae catholicae.
1303 Flemings conquers Middelburg on May - 04.
1415 Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance on this day in history.
1471 On May - 04 battle of Tewkesbury - King Edward IV vs Ex-queen Margaretha
1471 Battle of Tewkesbury on this day in history.
1493 On this day in history spanish Pope Alexander VI divides non-Christian world between Spain &Portugal
1493 Spanish Pope Alexander VI divides America between Spain & Portugal on this day in history.
1494 Christopher Columbus lands in Jamaica on this day in history.
1540 On May - 04 venice &Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople
1540 On this day in history venice & Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople
1572 Veere sides with Geuzen on May - 04.
1594 On May - 04 paul Buys, Grand Pensionary of Holland, dies at 62
1604 On May - 04 claudio Merulo, composer, dies at 71
1605 Ulisse Aldrovandi, Italian biologist/medical, dies at 82 on this day in history.
1611 On this day in history carlo Rainaldi, composer
1626 Dutch exlorer Peter Minuit lands on what is now Manhattan Island on May - 04.
1626 On this day in history indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth &buttons
1626 On May - 04 peter Minuit becomes director-general of New Netherlands
1631 Mary I Henriette Stuart, daughter of Charles I/queen of England on this day in history.
1634 Johan van Walbeecks fleet departs to West-Indies on this day in history.
1635 On May - 04 willem van Outhoorn, Dutch governor-general (Dutch East Indies)
1652 Battle at Etampes French army under Turenne beats Fronde rebels on May - 04.
1652 On this day in history battle at Etampes: French army under Turenne beats Fronde rebels
1655 On May - 04 bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori, Italy, piano builder
1686 On this day in history municipality of Ilagan is founded in the Philippines.
1715 On May - 04 french manufacturer debuts first folding umbrella (Paris France)
1715 On May - 04 french manufacturer debuts 1st folding umbrella (Paris)
1728 On this day in history georg F Händels opera "Tolomeo, re di Egitto" premieres in London
1728 Georg F Handel's opera "Tolomeo, re di Egitto," premieres in London on May - 04.
1734 On May - 04 james Thornhill, English painter
1738 On this day in history josef Kohaut, composer
1744 On May - 04 marianne von Martinez, composer
1747 On this day in history willem IV appointed viceroy of Overijssel
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