Historical Events In 1540
Friday, 21 February 2025
Jan 06 In the year 1540 king Henry VIII of England married his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
Jan 25 Edmund Campion, London, saint/Jesuit martyr (Decem Rationes) in the year 1540.
Jan 27 On this day in history angela Merici, Italian monk/monastery, dies
Feb 02 In the year 1540 george Schenck van Toutenburg, gov/viceroy of Frisia/Groningen
Feb 09 The 1st recorded race meet in England (Roodee Fields, Chester) on this day in history.
Feb 09 In the year 1540 the first recorded race meet in England (Roodee Fields, Chester)
Feb 14 Emperor Charles V enters Ghent without resistance, executes rebels on this day in history.
Feb 25 Francisco V squez de Coronado searches for 7 cities of Cibola Mexico on this day in history.
Feb 25 In the year 1540 francisco Vásquez de Coronado searches for 7 cities of Cibola México
Mar 04 In the year 1540 protestant count Philip of Hessen marries 2nd wife
Mar 19 On this day in history court of Holland names Amsterdam sheriff John Hubrechtsz a "heretic"
Apr 29 On this day in history emperor Charles declares all privileges of Gent ended
May 04 Venice & Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople in the year 1540.
May 04 Venice &Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople in the year 1540.
May 06 Jean Luis Vives, Spanish theory/humanist/reformer, dies at 48 on this day in history.
May 22 In the year 1540 francesco Guicciardini, Italian historian/pres of Romagna, dies at 57
Jun 03 Hernando de Soto crosses Appalachian Mountain, 1st European to do so on this day in history.
Jun 10 Thomas Cromwell arrested in Westminister in the year 1540.
Jun 23 Johann Baptista Serranus, composer on this day in history.
Jun 24 On this day in history henry VIII divorces his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves
Jun 29 In the year 1540 english ex chancellor Thomas Cromwell sentenced as heretic
Jul 09 In the year 1540 england's King Henry VIII 6-mo marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled
Jul 11 In the year 1540 adolf van Nassau, German son of Willem the Rich/Juliana of Stolberg
Jul 11 On this day in history jan Szapolyai, anti-king of Hungarian, dies
Jul 21 John I Zapolyai, prince of Transsylvania/king of Hungary, dies in the year 1540.
Jul 23 Turkey recognizes Janos Sigismund Zapolyai as vassal-king of Hungary in the year 1540.
Jul 28 England's King Henry VIII marries Catherine Howard in the year 1540.
Jul 28 English King Henry VIII marries Catharine Howard, his 5th wife in the year 1540.
Jul 28 On this day in history thomas Cromwell, King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed
Aug 05 Joseph Justice Scaliger, proposed Julian dating in the year 1540.
Aug 15 On this day in history arequipa, Peru, is founded.
Aug 23 On this day in history guillaume Budé, French scholar
Aug 25 Explorer Hernando de Alarcon travels up Colorado River on this day in history.
Aug 29 In the year 1540 emperor Karel deprives city Gent definitive rights/privileges
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