Page 4: Historical Events In 1814
Sunday, 09 March 2025
Jul 07 Robert Jasper van der Capellen, Dutch politician, dies at 71 in the year 1814.
Jul 07 Walter Scott's "Waverley" published in the year 1814.
Jul 18 In the year 1814 british capture Prairie du Chien (Wisc)
Jul 19 Matthew Flinders, English cartographer (Australia coast), dies at 40 in the year 1814.
Jul 19 On this day in history samuel Colt, US inventor (Colt 6 shot revolver)
Jul 20 Ivan S Gagarin, Russian theologist in the year 1814.
Jul 25 Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy's Lane); Americans defeat British in the year 1814.
Jul 25 On this day in history charles Dibdin, composer, dies at 69
Aug 01 Belgium King Willem I accept blame in Southern defeat in the year 1814.
Aug 01 Maxcy Gregg, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1862 in the year 1814.
Aug 07 On this day in history pope Pius VII reinstates Jesuits
Aug 08 In the year 1814 esther Hobart Morris, suffragist/anti-slavery activist
Aug 08 In the year 1814 peace negotiations begin in Ghent, Belgium
Aug 10 Jacob Edvard Gille, composer in the year 1814.
Aug 13 In the year 1814 cape of Good Hope formally ceded to British by the Dutch
Aug 14 On this day in history henry Hayes Lockwood, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1899
Aug 24 British forces captured Washington, DC, & burned down many landmarks in the year 1814.
Aug 24 In the year 1814 british sack Washington, DC, White House burned
Aug 24 On this day in history washington, D.C. is burned by the British.
Aug 25 On this day in history british capture Washington DC (too bad we lost it)
Aug 25 British forces destroy Library of Congress, containing 3,000 books in the year 1814.
Aug 25 In the year 1814 the US Library of Congress and its 3,000 books is destroyed by British troops.
Sep 01 On this day in history erik Eriksson Tulindberg, composer, dies at 53
Sep 02 Ernst Curtius, German archaeologist/historian in the year 1814.
Sep 05 On this day in history -15] Battle at Masurische Meren: Germans chase Russ out of E Prussia
Sep 06 George Cartier, (C) Canadian co-PM (1858-62) on this day in history.
Sep 11 Battle of Lake Champlain, NY; American Navy defeats British on this day in history.
Sep 11 In the year 1814 battle of Lake Champlain, NY; Americans defeat British
Sep 12 Battle of North Point fought near Baltimore during War of 1812 in the year 1814.
Sep 13 In the year 1814 nicolas Beets, [Hildebrand], Dutch writer (Camera Obscura=
Sep 14 In the year 1814 francis Scott Key inspired to write "Star-Spangled Banner"
Sep 14 Francis Scott Key inspired to write "The Star-Spangled Banner" on this day in history.
Sep 17 Stefano Ronchetti-Molnteviti, composer in the year 1814.
Sep 21 "Star Spangled Banner" published as a poem in the year 1814.
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