Timeline Of Inventions
Friday, 21 February 2025
1930 laszlo and Georg Biro pioneer the modern ballpoint pen.
1930 maria Telkes creates the first solar-powered house.
1930 Wallace Carothers develops neoprene (synthetic rubber used in wetsuits) and nylon, the first popular synthetic clothing material
1930 Robert Watson Watt oversees the development of radar
1930 Arnold Beckman develops the electronic pH meter
1931 Iconoscope was invented by Vladimir Zworykin
1931 harold E. Edgerton invents the xenon flash lamp for high-speed photography.
1932 arne Olander discovers the shape memory effect in a gold-cadmium alloy.
1933 fM radio
1936 W.B. Elwood invents the magnetic reed switch
1936 fluorescent light
1937 Jet engine was invented by Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain
1937 alan Turing develops the concept of a theoretical computing machine
1937 cellophane tape
1938 ballpoint pen was invented by Laszlo Biro
1938 chester Carlson invents the principle of photocopying (xerography).
1938 roy Plunkett accidentally invents a nonstick plastic coating called Teflon.
1938 xerography (a dry process, with no liquid developer)
1938 Tape recorder
1939 Igor Sikorsky builds the first truly practical helicopter
1940 English physicists John Randall and Harry Boot develop a compact magnetron for use in airplane radar navigation systems
1940 Automatic dishwasher is manufactured
1942 enrico Fermi builds the first nuclear chain reactor at the University of Chicago.
1943 Enigma: Adolf Hitler uses the Enigma encryption machine
1943 colossus: Alan Turing develops the the code-breaking machine Colossus
1943 aqua-Lung was invented by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan
1943 videocassette recorder was invented by Ampex
1943 Hypertext was invented by Andries van Dam and Ted Nelson
1945 US government scientist Vannevar Bush proposes a kind of desk-sized memory store called Memex, which has some of the features later incorporated into electronic books and the World Wide Web (WWW)
1946 Microwave oven was invented by Percy Spencer
1946 electronic computer
1947 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the transistor, which allows electronic equipment to made much smaller and leads to the modern computer revolution
1949 bernard Silver and N. Joseph Woodland patent barcodes—striped patterns that are initially developed for marking products in grocery stores.
1950 Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow invent the maser (microwave laser). Gordon Gould coins the word "laser" and builds the first optical laser in 1958
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