Famous Deaths Happened In 1930
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Jan 09 Edward W Buck, Dutch/US editor (Ladies Home Journal), dies at 66 on this day in history.
Jan 13 In the year 1930 c-E Auguste Rateau, French inventor (R-steam turbine), dies at 66
Jan 27 On this day in history jean Hure, composer, dies at 52
Jan 28 Clarence Skelton Wimble, cricket (score pair in Test for S Af), dies on this day in history.
Feb 06 Eva Strittmatter, writer, dies at 17 in the year 1930.
Feb 22 Godfried CE van Daalen, Dutch general/governor of Atjeh, dies at 66 on this day in history.
Feb 23 In the year 1930 horst Wessel, German nazi lyricist (Fahne Hoch), dies at 22
Feb 24 On this day in history jacobus van Looy, Dutch writer/painter (Night Cactus), dies at 74
Feb 26 In the year 1930 raffaele Merry del Val, Spanish Cardinal, dies at 64
Mar 02 David H Lawrence, poet/writer (Lady Chatterley's Lover), dies at 44 in the year 1930.
Mar 06 William Milton, cricketer (S Afr Test capt in 3 Tests 1889-92), dies on this day in history.
Mar 08 On this day in history william Howard Taft, 27th US pres (1909-13)/Chief Justice, dies at 72
Mar 12 On this day in history death of alois Jirásek, Czech writer (b. 1851)
Mar 13 In the year 1930 mary E W Freeman, US writer (Pembroke), dies at 77
Mar 15 Antonio Beltramelli, writer, dies at 51 in the year 1930.
Mar 16 On this day in history miguel Primo de Riveray Orbaneja, Sp dictator (1923-30), dies at 60
Mar 19 Arthur J Balfour, British theologist/premier (1902-05), dies at 81 in the year 1930.
Mar 29 On this day in history anton Bettelheim, writer, dies
Apr 01 Cosima Liszt, wife of Austrian composer Richard Wagner, dies at 92 in the year 1930.
Apr 02 In the year 1930 death of empress Zauditu of Ethiopia (b. 1876)
Apr 03 Emma Albani, Canadian soprano (b. 1847) died in the year 1930.
Apr 04 In the year 1930 vladimir Majakovski, Russian poet, dies
Apr 14 W Majakowski, writer, dies at 36 on this day in history.
Apr 16 José Carlos Mariátegui, Peruvian journalist, political philosopher and activist (b. 1894) died on this day in history.
Apr 17 Alexander Golovin, Russian painter (b. 1863) died on this day in history.
Apr 19 Georges-Casimir Dessaulles, Canadian senator (b. 1827) died on this day in history.
Apr 21 Christine [Elizabeth C] Poolman, Dutch actress (Mother), dies at 79 in the year 1930.
Apr 22 On this day in history death of jeppe Aakjaer, Danish poet (b. 1866)
May 08 In the year 1930 lvar Henning Mankell, composer, dies at 61
May 12 Pieter Jelles Troelstra, Dutch SDAP leader, dies at 70 on this day in history.
May 13 On this day in history fridtjof Nansen, diplomat (Nobel 1922), dies
May 17 On this day in history herbert David Croly, US founder (New Republic), dies at 61
May 18 Joao Marcellino Arroyo, composer, dies at 68 on this day in history.
May 25 Randall Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury (b. 1848) died on this day in history.
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