Famous Deaths Happened In 1534
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Mar 05 Antonio da Correggio, Italian painter (b. 1489) died on this day in history.
Apr 20 Elizabeth Barton, [St Magd van Kent], British prophet, dies on this day in history.
May 28 Dirk Martens, Flemish printer/humanist, dies at about 83 on this day in history.
Jul 19 Willem van Enkenvoirt, cardinal/bishop of Utrecht, dies at about 70 on this day in history.
Aug 09 In the year 1534 death of cardinal Cajetan, Italian theologian (b. 1470)
Sep 25 Clement VII, [Giulio de' Medici], Italian Pope (1523-34), dies at 56 in the year 1534.