Historical Events In 1620
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 09 On this day in history johann Weichmann, composer
Jan 17 On this day in history diego Alvarez de Paz, Span missionary/writer (Peru), dies at about 59
Jan 31 In the year 1620 georg F von Waldeck, German commander-in-chief
Feb 04 Prince Bethlen Gábor signs peace with emperor Ferdinand II on this day in history.
Feb 04 Prince Bethlen Gabor signs peace with emperor Ferdinand II in the year 1620.
Feb 15 Francois Charpentier, French scholar/archaeologist in the year 1620.
Feb 16 On this day in history frederick William, Great Elector, founder of Brandenburg-Prussia
Feb 19 Roemer P Visscher, poet, buried in Amsterdam in the year 1620.
Mar 09 Aegidius Albertinus, German writer (Lucifer's Kingdom), dies at 59 on this day in history.
Mar 16 On this day in history st. John Sarkander, Moravian priest, died of injuries caused by torturing
Mar 25 In the year 1620 johannes Nucius, German composer
Apr 24 On this day in history john Graunt, statistician, founder of science of demography
May 17 In the year 1620 1st merry-go-round seen at a fair (Philippapolis, Turkey)
May 17 The first merry-go-round seen at a fair (Philippapolis, Turkey) on this day in history.
May 23 Pieter Neefs, the Younger, Flemish painter, baptized in the year 1620.
May 31 Willem Louis, earl of Nassau-Dillenburg, dies at 59 in the year 1620.
Jun 03 Construction of the oldest stone church in French North America, Notre-Dame-des-Anges, begins at Quebec City, Quebec, Canada in the year 1620.
Jun 16 On this day in history carlo Saraceni, [Carlo Veniziano], Italian painter (Judith), dies
Jun 29 John Aerts, Flemish sculptor on this day in history.
Jul 21 Jean Picard, French astronomer on this day in history.
Jul 29 On this day in history nicolaas Heinsius, Dutch philologist/diplomat
Jul 31 On this day in history pilgrim Fathers depart (through England) to America
Aug 07 Kepler's mother arrested for witchcraft in the year 1620.
Aug 12 In the year 1620 pieter Cuypers, S Neth lawyer
Aug 15 Mayflower sets sail from Southampton with 102 Pilgrims in the year 1620.
Aug 20 Hudson's Bay Company employee Henry Kelsey sees buffalo on the Prairies, southwest of The Pas; the first white man to describe them in the year 1620.
Sep 06 1st stones layed in Western Tower in the year 1620.
Sep 06 In the year 1620 isabella Leonarda, composer
Sep 06 In the year 1620 pilgrims set sail from Plymouth England to the New World
Sep 15 Mayflower departs from Plymouth England with 102 pilgrims [OS May 8] in the year 1620.
Sep 15 In the year 1620 mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims
Sep 20 In the year 1620 battle at Jassy: Turks beat king Sigismund III of Poland
Sep 29 John L baron of Elderen, 63rd prince-bishop of Luik (1688-94) on this day in history.
Oct 01 Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem, Dutch landscape painter/etcher on this day in history.
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