{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1933
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Mar 09 In the year 1933 birth of lloyd Price, Kenner La, singer (Just Because)
Mar 09 In the year 1933 birth of mel Lastman, Canadian politician
Mar 09 On this day in history birth of william Francis McBeth, composer
Mar 10 In the year 1933 birth of bernadetta Matuszczak, composer
Mar 11 Terry J Hatter Jr, US judge in California was born on this day in history.
Mar 13 Frank H Murkowski, (Sen-R-AK, 1981- ) was born on this day in history.
Mar 13 Mike Stoller, composer (Lieber & Stoller-Hound Dog, Charlie Brown) was born in the year 1933.
Mar 14 On this day in history birth of michael Caine, [Maurice J Micklewhite], London, actor (Alfie)
Mar 14 Quincy Jones Jr, Chicago Ill, composer/singer (We Are The World) was born on this day in history.
Mar 14 On this day in history birth of rené Felber, former member of the Swiss Federal Council
Mar 15 In the year 1933 birth of cecil Perceval Taylor, composer/jazz pianist (U of Wisconsin)
Mar 15 In the year 1933 birth of ronald Roseman, composer
Mar 16 In the year 1933 birth of ruth Bader Ginsberg, justice (US Supreme Court)
Mar 16 Sandy Weill, American financier and philanthropist was born in the year 1933.
Mar 18 Unita Blackwell, 1st black mayor in Mississippi was born on this day in history.
Mar 19 Philip Roth, Newark, novelist (Goodbye Columbus, Portnoy's Complaint) was born on this day in history.
Mar 19 Renée Taylor, American actress was born in the year 1933.
Mar 20 Alexander Gorodnitsky, Russian geologist and poet was born on this day in history.
Mar 20 In the year 1933 birth of david James Moore, educationalist
Mar 20 George Altman, American baseball player was born in the year 1933.
Mar 20 Jacquez Guyonnet, composer was born on this day in history.
Mar 21 John Hall, English real estate developer/multi-millionaire was born on this day in history.
Mar 21 In the year 1933 birth of michael Heseltine, Welsh/British minister of Defense (1986)/MP
Mar 22 Abolhassan Banisadr, former President of Iran was born in the year 1933.
Mar 22 Buddy MacKay, (Rep-D-FL, 1983- ) was born on this day in history.
Mar 22 Chris Duckworth, cricketer (South African batsman v England 1956-57) was born on this day in history.
Mar 22 May Britt, Swedish actress was born on this day in history.
Mar 23 In the year 1933 birth of geoffrey Leigh, CEO (Allied London Properties)
Mar 23 On this day in history birth of monique van Vooren, Belgium, actress (Andy Warhol's Frankenstein)
Mar 23 Norman Bailey, British bass-baritone (Flying Dutchman) was born in the year 1933.
Mar 23 Philip Zimbardo, American psychologist, known for the Stanford prison experiment was born on this day in history.
Mar 24 In the year 1933 birth of david Harries, composer
Mar 27 DRG Andrews, CEO (Land Rover-Leyland) was born on this day in history.
Mar 27 Frank Taylor, Chief Constable (Durham) was born in the year 1933.
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