{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1797
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Jan 04 On this day in history birth of wilhelm Beer, Germany, amateur astronomer (constructed 1st Moon map)
Jan 10 Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, German writer (d. 1848) was born on this day in history.
Jan 12 On this day in history birth of gideon Brecher, Austrian physician (d. 1873)
Jan 22 On this day in history birth of maria Leopoldina of Austria, Empress of Brazil (d. 1826)
Jan 30 Edwin Vose Sumner, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1863 was born on this day in history.
Jan 31 In the year 1797 birth of franz Peter Schubert, Lichtenthal Aust, composer (Unfinished Symphony)
Feb 06 On this day in history birth of joseph Maria von Radowitz, Prussian minister of Foreign affairs
Feb 15 In the year 1797 birth of henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker (Steinway)
Feb 22 On this day in history birth of william I, Berlin, King of Prussia (1861-88)/German Emperor (1871-88)
Feb 24 Samuel Lover, composer was born on this day in history.
Feb 28 On this day in history birth of mary Lyon, US, educator (Mt Holyoke) (Hall of Fame)
Feb 28 W Frederik K, prince of Netherlands/general/admiral (10 day campaign) was born on this day in history.
Mar 07 Karl Schwencke, composer was born on this day in history.
Mar 22 In the year 1797 birth of kaiser Wilhelm I, German emperor (1871-88)
Mar 24 On this day in history birth of antonio Rosmini-Serbati, philosopher/founder (Institute of Charity)
Mar 25 John Winebrenner, US, clergyman, founded Church of God was born on this day in history.
Mar 27 Alfred V Comte de Vigny, French musketeer/writer (Moise, Chatterton) was born on this day in history.
Apr 10 Claude Ambroise Seurat, Troyes France, (World's skinniest man) was born on this day in history.
Apr 14 Adolphe Thiers, 1st president of 3rd French Republic (1871-77) was born on this day in history.
Apr 17 On this day in history birth of jean-Baptiste-Joseph Tolbecque, Belgian composer/conductor
Apr 18 Louis-Adolphe Thiers, president of France was born in the year 1797.
Apr 30 Andreas V Michiels, Dutch military governor of West-Sumatra was born on this day in history.
May 06 On this day in history birth of joseph Brackett, American religious leader and composer (d. 1882)
May 12 In the year 1797 birth of johann Hermann Kufferath, composer
May 18 Frederick Augustus II of Saxony (d. 1854) was born in the year 1797.
May 18 Frederik Augustus II, King of Saxon (1836-54) was born on this day in history.
May 19 Maria Isabel of Portugal, queen of Spain (d. 1818) was born in the year 1797.
May 30 Johann Christian Lobe, composer was born on this day in history.
Jun 24 John Hughes, archbishop, founded Fordham University in the Bronx was born on this day in history.
Jul 10 Pieter L Uys, South African pioneer (Great Pull) was born in the year 1797.
Jul 17 Hippolyte Delaroche, French painter (d. 1856) was born on this day in history.
Jul 18 Immanuel Hermann Fichte, German philosopher (d. 1879) was born on this day in history.
Jul 19 In the year 1797 birth of johann Gottlieb Schneider, composer
Jul 20 Sir Paweł Edmund Strzelecki, Polish explorer and geologist (d. 1873) was born in the year 1797.
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