Historical Events In 1582
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Jan 15 In the year 1582 russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to Poland, loses access to Baltic
Jan 15 Russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to Poland, loses access to the Baltic in the year 1582.
Jan 23 On this day in history john Barclay, Scottish satirist/Latin poet (Argenis)
Jan 28 On this day in history john Barclay, Scottish satirist/poet (Euphormio's Satyricon)
Feb 19 Francis of Valois becomes duke of Brabant in the year 1582.
Feb 24 In the year 1582 pope Gregory XIII announces New Style (Gregorian) calendar
Mar 18 Jean Jaurequi, Basque murderer of Willem of Orange, lynched on this day in history.
Mar 18 Prince Willem of Orange injured in attack at Antwerp on this day in history.
Apr 01 Gaspar de Crayer, Flemish painter in the year 1582.
Apr 03 On this day in history french van Valois honored as duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen
Apr 08 In the year 1582 phienas Fletcher, poet
Apr 16 In the year 1582 spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma founds the settlement of Salta, Argentina.
May 01 On this day in history marco da Gagliano, Italian opera composer
May 05 Charlotte de Bourbon, Princess of Orange, dies on this day in history.
Jun 20 In the year 1582 bishop Domingo de Salazar of Manila suppresses the Philippines
Jun 21 On this day in history the Incident at HonnÅ-ji takes place in Kyoto, Japan.
Jun 26 Johannes Schultz, composer in the year 1582.
Jul 02 Battle of Yamazaki: Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeats Akechi Mitsuhide on this day in history.
Jul 22 On this day in history willem van Orange moves from Antwerp to Delft
Aug 22 On this day in history king James IV of Scotland captured
Aug 23 In the year 1582 french van Valois pays tribute to earl of Flanders
Oct 04 Last day of the Julian calendar in Italy, many Catholic countries on this day in history.
Oct 04 Last Julian calender day in Spain/Portugal/pontifical states on this day in history.
Oct 04 On this day in history theresia van Avila, Spanish mystic writer, dies
Oct 05 In the year 1582 gregorian calendar introduced in Italy, other Catholic countries
Oct 15 Many Catholic countries switch to Gregorian calendar, skip 10 days on this day in history.
Oct 21 In the year 1582 johan Ernst earl of Nassau-Siegen, military/son of Johan VII
Nov 27 William Shakespeare aged 18, marries Anne Hathaway in the year 1582.
Nov 27 In the year 1582 william Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway
Nov 28 On this day in history playwright & poet William Shakespeare weds Anne Hathaway
Nov 28 William Shakespeare, 18, and Anne Hathaway, 26, pay a 40-pound bond for their marriage license in Stratford-upon-Avon on this day in history.
Dec 10 France begins use of Gregorian calendar on this day in history.
Dec 11 In the year 1582 fernando Alvarez de Toledo, marquis of Soria, dies at about 75
Dec 14 Zealand/Brabant Neth adopt Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is 12/25 in the year 1582.
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