Page 8: Historical Events In 1970
Thursday, 13 March 2025
May 08 Construction workers break up an anti-war rally in NYC's Wall Street in the year 1970.
May 09 In the year 1970 100,000s demonstrate against Vietnam War
May 09 Percy Brier, composer, dies at 84 on this day in history.
May 10 Stanley Cup Boston Bruins sweep St Louis Blues in 4 games on this day in history.
May 10 On this day in history stanley Cup: Boston Bruins sweep St Louis Blues in 4 games
May 11 On this day in history sammy Davis Jr weds Altovise
May 12 On this day in history harry A Blackmun is confirmed by the U S Senate as a Supreme Court justice
May 12 In the year 1970 leonie "Nelly" Sachs, German/Swedish poet (Nobel 1966), dies at 78
May 12 In the year 1970 race riots in Augusta GA; 6 blacks killed (5 by cops)
May 12 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site in the year 1970.
May 13 In the year 1970 beatles movie "Let it Be" premieres
May 13 The Beatles movie Let It Be premieres today on this day in history.
May 14 Billie Burke, comedienne (Glinda-Wizard of Oz), dies at 84 in the year 1970.
May 14 On this day in history cops kill 2 students in racial disturbance (Jackson State University, Mississippi)
May 14 Harry A Blackmun appointed to the Supreme Court on this day in history.
May 14 On this day in history in the Eastern Caucasus two quakes measuring 5.5 and 6.5 occurred occurred a few miles west of Machackala, a city of about 165,000 population and located on the Caspian Sea
May 14 On this day in history nYC local newspaper "Our Town" begins publishing
May 14 In the year 1970 red Aarmy Faction -leader Andreas Baader freed after serving 2 years in West Berlin
May 15 On this day in history beatles' last LP, "Let It Be" is released in US
May 15 Elizabeth Hoisington & Anna Mae Mays named first female US generals in the year 1970.
May 15 France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island on this day in history.
May 15 South-Africa excluded from Olympic play in the year 1970.
May 16 "Grover Henson Feels Forgotten" by Bill Cosby hits #70 on this day in history.
May 17 In the year 1970 hank Aaron becomes 9th player to get 3,000 hits
May 17 In the year 1970 nigel M Balchin, English author (My Executioner), dies at 61
May 17 Thor Heyerdahl crosses the Atlantic on reed raft Ra on this day in history.
May 20 100,000 march in New York supporting US policies in Vietnam in the year 1970.
May 20 On this day in history 2 die in a NYC subway accident
May 20 The Beatles' "Let it Be" movie premieres in UK on this day in history.
May 21 In the year 1970 national Guard mobilized to quell disturbances at Ohio State University
May 21 USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR in the year 1970.
May 21 Vinton Hayworth, actor (Gen Schaeffer-I Dream of Jeannie), dies at 63 in the year 1970.
May 22 On this day in history arab terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus
May 22 France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island on this day in history.
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