Historical Events In 1970
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Jan 01 "The Epoch" (Time 0 for UNIX systems, Midnight GMT) on this day in history.
Jan 01 On this day in history afro-American Historical Calendar Series Established
Jan 01 In the year 1970 revised calendar for Western (RC) Church goes into effect
Jan 02 Dutch premiere of musical "Hair" in Amsterdam on this day in history.
Jan 02 Piotr Rytel, composer, dies at 85 in the year 1970.
Jan 02 US population is 293,200,000; Black population 22,600,000 (11.1%) on this day in history.
Jan 03 On this day in history "Jimmy" closes at Winter Garden Theater New York City NY after 84 performances
Jan 03 In the year 1970 marxist government takes over in Congo
Jan 04 On this day in history beatles last recording session at EMI studios
Jan 04 In the year 1970 new York City NY transit fare rises from 20¢ to 30¢, new larger tokens used
Jan 04 Walter Cronkite ends hosting weekly documentary on this day in history.
Jan 05 On this day in history 23,000 Belgian mine workers strike
Jan 05 In the year 1970 joseph A Yablonski, candidate for United Mine Workers pres, murdered
Jan 05 In the year 1970 joseph Yablonski, presidential candidate for the United Mine Workers, is found murdered at home with his wife and daughter.
Jan 05 Soap Opera "All My Children," premieres on ABC on this day in history.
Jan 07 On this day in history farmers sue Max Yasgur for $35,000 in damages caused by "Woodstock"
Jan 07 Robert [Harriot] Barrat, actor (Bad Lands, Go West), dies at 81 on this day in history.
Jan 09 On this day in history constitution of Singapore enacted
Jan 10 Pavel Ivanovich Belyayev, USSR, cosmonaut (Voskhod II), dies at 44 in the year 1970.
Jan 11 On this day in history superbowl IV: KC Chiefs beat Minn Vikings, 23-7 in New Orleans Superbowl MVP: Len Dawson, Kansas City, QB
Jan 12 On this day in history biafran War ends, Biafra surrenders to Nigeria
Jan 12 On this day in history blanche Stuart Scott, US pilot, dies at 84
Jan 12 On this day in history boeing 747 makes its maiden voyage
Jan 14 John J "Johnny" Murphy, US baseball pitcher (NY Yankees), dies at 61 on this day in history.
Jan 14 The farewell concert of Diana Ross and the Supremes takes place at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas in the year 1970.
Jan 15 In the year 1970 republic Biafra disbands/joins Nigeria
Jan 16 Armijn Pane, Indonesian writer (Djinak-djinak merpati), dies at 61 on this day in history.
Jan 16 On this day in history colonel Kadhaffi becomes premier of Libya
Jan 16 Curt Flood files a civil lawsuit challenging baseball's reserve clause on this day in history.
Jan 17 In the year 1970 aFL Pro Bowl West beats East 26-3
Jan 17 Billy Stewart, singer (I Do Love You), dies in auto-accident at 32 on this day in history.
Jan 17 On this day in history john M Burgess installed as bishop of Protestant Episcopals (Massachusetts)
Jan 18 On this day in history david O McKay, 9th Mormon president, dies at 96
Jan 19 Dutch bishop says he is in favor of married priest in the year 1970.
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