Famous Deaths In October - 23
Thursday, 03 October 2024
0930 On this day in history death of daigo, Emperor of Japan (b. 885)
1260 On this day in history death of koetoez, Turkish sultan of Egypt, murdered
1450 On October - 23 johannes van Capestrano, Italian saint, dies at 70
1456 Death of Giovanni da Capistrano, Italian saint (b. 1386) on this day in history.
1550 Death of Tiedemann Giese, Polish Catholic bishop (b. 1480) on October - 23.
1581 On October - 23 death of michael Neander, German mathematician and astronomer (b. 1529)
1602 On October - 23 franciscus Junius, French/Neth calvinist theologist/vicar, dies at 57
1616 Death of Leonhard Hutter, German theologian (b. 1563) on October - 23.
1688 Death of Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange, French philologist (b. 1610) on this day in history.
1730 Death of Anne Oldfield, English actress (b. 1683) on October - 23.
1753 On October - 23 columban Praelisauer, composer, dies at 50
1764 On October - 23 death of emmanuel-Auguste de Cahideuc, Comte Dubois de la Motte, French naval officer (b. 1683)
1774 On October - 23 death of michel Benoist, French Jesuit missionary and scientist (b. 1715)
1782 On this day in history joseph Reipel, composer, dies at 73
1799 William Paca, US judge/signer (Decl of Independence), dies at 58 on this day in history.
1801 Johann Gottlieb Naumann, German composer, dies at 60 on this day in history.
1806 Franz Seydelmann, composer, dies at 58 on October - 23.
1869 Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Tolbecque, Belgian composer, dies at 72 on this day in history.
1872 Theophile Gautier, French poet/writer/historian/critic, dies at 61 on this day in history.
1885 On this day in history death of charles S. West, Texas jurist and politician (b. 1829)
1886 On this day in history johann Nepomuk Kafka, composer, dies at 67
1890 On October - 23 karel M M Verlat, Flemish painter/graphic artist, dies
1892 Death of Mehemed Emin Pasja, German explorer, murdered at 52 on this day in history.
1899 W Penn Symons, British gen-maj, dies in battle on this day in history.
1901 Georg von Siemens, founder (Deutsche Bank), dies on October - 23.
1903 Francis Ellingwood Abbot, theologian (Scientific Theism), dies at 66 on October - 23.
1910 Death of Chulalongkorn, King of Thailand (b. 1853) on October - 23.
1915 W G Grace, British cricketer, dies on October - 23.
1921 John B Dunlop, Scottish inventor air tire (Dunlop Rubber), dies at 81 on this day in history.
1925 On this day in history vyacheslav Gavrilovich Karatigin, composer, dies at 50
1928 F A Alphonse Aulard, French historian, dies on October - 23.
1929 Thomas F Tout, historian (Manch school of historiography), dies at 74 on this day in history.
1935 Death of Abe Landau, US gangster, murdered on October - 23.
1936 On October - 23 (Marie) Louise Hens, Flemish actress (Bitter Pill), dies at 80
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