Page 11: Historical Events In 1916
Sunday, 09 March 2025
Jul 14 Natalia Ginzburg, Italian author (Family dictionary) on this day in history.
Jul 15 22.22" (56.4 cm) of rain falls in Altapass NC (state record) in the year 1916.
Jul 15 22.22" of rain falls in Altapass NC in the year 1916.
Jul 15 American airline manufacturer Pacific Aero Products (later renamed Boeing), opens its doors in the year 1916.
Jul 15 George Maduro, Antillian resistance fighter (Willemsorde/Madurodam) on this day in history.
Jul 16 In the year 1916 harold Locke, archdeacon of Loughborough
Jul 16 Ilja [Elias] Metsjnikov, Russ bacteriologist (Nobel 1908), dies on this day in history.
Jul 17 On this day in history eleanor Steber, Wheeling WV, soprano (Metropolitan Opera-1940)
Jul 18 Benjamin C. Truman, American journalist and author on this day in history.
Jul 18 On this day in history isaac [Ietje] A Diepenhorst, Dutch lawyer/minister of Education
Jul 19 On this day in history battle of Fromelles, France starts
Jul 19 In the year 1916 james D Ramage, US lt-Adm (WW II-Palau/Guam/Philippines)
Jul 20 Giants trade Christy Mathewson to Cin Reds on this day in history.
Jul 22 A bomb went off during a Preparedness Day parade in SF killing 10 on this day in history.
Jul 22 Hipolito M Ocalia, Curacao, landscape painter on this day in history.
Jul 22 Ten people are killed when a bomb explodes during the Preparedness Day parade in San Francisco in the year 1916.
Jul 23 On this day in history australians enter the action in the battle of the Somme at Pozières and Mouquet Farm, France
Jul 23 On this day in history ben Weber, St Louis Missouri, composer (Thorne Music Award-1965)
Jul 23 In the year 1916 william Ramsey, chemist, dies
Jul 24 On this day in history bob Eberly, Mechanicsville NY, singer (Jimmy Dorsey Band)
Jul 25 Explosion at Lake Erie & Cleveland Waterworks on this day in history.
Jul 25 In the year 1916 ko van Dijk Jr, Dutch actor (Zaak M P)
Jul 26 In the year 1916 gellio Benevenuto Coronaro, composer, dies at 52
Jul 27 Asfa Wossen, Crown prince of Ethiopia/son of emperor Haile Selassi on this day in history.
Jul 27 Charles Fryatt, British capt of SS Brussels, executed by Germans, dies in the year 1916.
Jul 28 David Brown, NYC, director (Jaws, Planet of the Apes) in the year 1916.
Jul 28 Navy establishes a Code and Signal Section which initially worked against German ciphers and tested the security of communications during U.S. naval training maneuvers in the year 1916.
Jul 29 On this day in history postal check & Girodienst establishes
Jul 30 G Neujmin discovers asteroid #951 Gaspra on this day in history.
Jul 30 German saboteurs blow up a munitions plant on Black Tom Island, NJ on this day in history.
Jul 30 Robert van Spaendonk, Dutch resistance fighter on this day in history.
Jul 31 On this day in history sydney Tafler, London England, actor (Too Many Crooks)
Aug 01 On this day in history claude Newberry, S Afr cricket All-rounder (v England 1913-14), dies
Aug 01 In the year 1916 hawaii National Park established
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