Page 2: Historical Events In 1907
Friday, 14 February 2025
Jan 22 In the year 1907 marie Dressler, actress (Anna Christie, Dinner at 8)
Jan 23 On this day in history charles Curtis of Kansas becomes 1st Native American US senator
Jan 23 Charles Curtis of Kansas becomes first Native American US senator in the year 1907.
Jan 23 Charles Curtis, the first Native American to become a U.S. senator, begins serving his term. (Twenty-two years later, Curtis resigned to become Vice President of the U.S. with President Herbert Hoover's administration.) on this day in history.
Jan 23 On this day in history dan Duryea, White Plains NY, actor (Pride of the Yankees)
Jan 24 Alfonse Vranckx, Belgian lawyer/politician on this day in history.
Jan 25 Julia Ward Howe is 1st woman elected to Natl Inst of Arts & Letters on this day in history.
Jan 25 On this day in history julia Ward Howe is first woman elected to National Institute of Arts &Letters
Jan 26 1st federal corrupt election practices law passed in the year 1907.
Jan 26 Eddie Ballantine, Chicago, orch leader (Don McNeill TV Club) on this day in history.
Jan 26 In the year 1907 j M Synge's "Playboy of the Western World" opens; police are called
Jan 26 The first federal corrupt election practices law passed on this day in history.
Jan 27 In the year 1907 henry Cotton, English golf champion (won 3x British Open)
Jan 28 On this day in history constantin Regamey, composer
Jan 31 On this day in history timothy Eaton, founder of the T. Eaton Company of Canada, dies; an innovative retailer, he maintained fixed prices and cash sales, with satisfaction guaranteed
Feb 01 In the year 1907 alan Strode Campbell Ross, professor (coined the terms U & non-U)
Feb 02 In the year 1907 bernardas Brazdzionis, Lithuania, poet/editor/critic
Feb 02 Dmitri I Mendelejev, Russian chemist (Periodic Table), dies at 72 in the year 1907.
Feb 03 In the year 1907 james A Michner, NYC, writer (South Pacific, Hawaii, Space)
Feb 03 In the year 1907 the birth of James Michener, American author
Feb 05 Arnold Schoenberg's 1st string quartet premieres in Vienna in the year 1907.
Feb 05 In the year 1907 jan Klaasesz, Dutch governor Suriname (1949-56)
Feb 05 In the year 1907 ludwig Thuille, composer, dies at 45
Feb 06 Sam Green, industrialist/inventor on this day in history.
Feb 07 Arthur George Bottomley, politician in the year 1907.
Feb 07 The Mud March was the first large procession organized by the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) in the year 1907.
Feb 08 Hendrik W Bakhuis Roozeboom, chemist (fasenleer), dies at 52 on this day in history.
Feb 09 Aubrey "Dit" Clapper, NHL hall of famer (Boston Bruins) on this day in history.
Feb 10 Grace Hamilton, 1st black member of Georgia state legislature on this day in history.
Feb 11 In the year 1907 de Master's Dutch government resigns
Feb 11 De Master's Dutch govt resigns in the year 1907.
Feb 11 In the year 1907 e W Swanton, author & sports commentator
Feb 11 Passenger ship Larchmont sinks by Block Island, 322 die in the year 1907.
Feb 11 On this day in history peter J Savelberg, Dutch Limbourg monastery founder, dies at 80
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