Historical Events In 1755
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 07 In the year 1755 gallus Zeiler, composer, dies at 49
Jan 12 In the year 1755 tsarina Elisabeth establishes 1st Russian University
Jan 12 Tsarina Elisabeth establishes first Russian University on this day in history.
Jan 15 Azzolino Bernardino Della Ciaia, composer, dies at 83 on this day in history.
Jan 25 Moscow University established on Tatiana Day on this day in history.
Feb 03 Florido Tomeoni, composer in the year 1755.
Feb 11 In the year 1755 albert Christoph Dies, composer
Feb 13 Francois Alexander Sallantin, composer on this day in history.
Feb 13 On this day in history rebel leader Mangkubuni signs Treaty of Gianti Java
Feb 19 Pieter G van Overstraten, governor-general of Neth-Indies on this day in history.
Mar 01 In Quebec city Quebec Jean-Armand Dieskau is appointed commander of the French regular troops in Canada on this day in history.
Mar 02 Antoine-Frederic Gresnick, composer in the year 1755.
Mar 10 On this day in history philipp Christoph Kayser, composer
Mar 12 1st steam engine in America installed, to pump water from a mine on this day in history.
Mar 12 First steam engine in America installed, to pump water from a mine in the year 1755.
Mar 12 Georges Couthon, French politician on this day in history.
Mar 14 Pierre-Louis Couperin, composer on this day in history.
Mar 17 On this day in history transylvania Land Co buys Kentucky for $50,000 from a Cherokee chief
Mar 24 On this day in history rufus King, framer of US constitution
Mar 24 Theodor Christleib Reinhold, composer, dies at 72 on this day in history.
Apr 01 Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French lawyer (Fisiologia del Gusto) on this day in history.
Apr 02 In the year 1755 commodore William James captures the pirate fortress of Suvarnadurg on west coast of India.
Apr 04 On this day in history vincenc Masek, composer
Apr 10 On this day in history samuel Hahnemann, German physician/originator of homeopathy
Apr 15 Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language published in London in the year 1755.
Apr 26 In the year 1755 1st Russian university opens (Moscow)
May 01 Smallpox in North America on this day in history.
May 19 On this day in history gabriele Prota, composer
Jun 01 Frederico Fiorillo, Ital's violist/composer in the year 1755.
Jun 06 In the year 1755 john Flaxman, English sculptor (Westminster Abbey tomb stones)
Jun 14 1e edition of Dr Johnsons "Dictionary" in the year 1755.
Jun 16 In the year 1755 british capture Fort Beauséjour, expel Acadians
Jun 16 British capture Fort Beaus‚jour, expel the Acadians on this day in history.
Jun 29 515 prominant filipinos baptized as Catholic in the year 1755.
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