Historical Events In 1723
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Jan 01 On this day in history christian Friedrich Gregor, composer
Jan 12 On this day in history handel's opera "Ottone" premieres, London
Jan 23 Georg Friedrich Händel's opera "Ottone," premieres in London on this day in history.
Jan 23 Georg Friedrich Handel's opera "Ottone," premieres in London in the year 1723.
Jan 27 In the year 1723 johann A Cramer, prime minister/poet
Feb 02 In the year 1723 antonio M Valsalva, Italian anatomist, dies at 66
Feb 05 On this day in history john Witherspoon, clergyman/signed Declaration of Independence
Feb 17 On this day in history tobias Mayer, "method of lunars" for longitude determination
Feb 25 Christopher Wren, England, astronomer/architect, dies at 90 in the year 1723.
Mar 15 In the year 1723 johann C Gunther, writer, dies at 27
Mar 25 In the year 1723 kaat Mussel, [Catharina Mulder], Dutch demonstrater
Mar 31 Frederik V, King of Denmark/Norway (1746-66) on this day in history.
Apr 05 J Fischer von Erlach, Austrian architect (Hofburg, Vienna), dies at 66 on this day in history.
Apr 10 Claude F Tserclaes, South Neth earl of Tilly, dies at 74 in the year 1723.
Apr 14 On this day in history john Wainwright, composer
Apr 23 In the year 1723 cornelis Steenoven elected archbishop of Utrecht
Apr 25 In the year 1723 giovanni Marco Rutini, composer
Jun 05 Adam Smith, Kirkcaldy Scot, economist (Wealth of Nations) (baptized) on this day in history.
Jun 11 In the year 1723 j G Palitzsch, 1st saw Halley's comet on return, Prolitz
Jun 18 In the year 1723 giuseppe Scarlotti, composer
Jun 20 In the year 1723 adam Ferguson, Scottish sociologist/historian
Jun 26 In the year 1723 after a lasting siege and bombardment by cannons, Baku surrenders to the Russians.
Jun 30 Christian Ernst Graf, composer on this day in history.
Jul 01 Pedro R de Campomanes, Spanish economist/historian/literary on this day in history.
Jul 01 Willem van de Pose, gov of Cape Colony (1699-1797), dies at about 59 in the year 1723.
Jul 10 In the year 1723 william Blackstone, England, jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries)
Jul 16 Joshua Reynolds, England, portrait painter (Simplicity) on this day in history.
Jul 28 Mariana Alcoforado, nun (schreef no Lettres Portuguese), dies at 63 on this day in history.
Jul 29 In the year 1723 christleib Siegmund Binder, composer
Aug 02 Nicolas de Pigage, French classical architect on this day in history.
Aug 21 Dimitrie Cantemir, philosopher/monarch of Moldova 1710-11, dies at 49 in the year 1723.
Aug 23 Antoine Mouque, composer, dies at 64 on this day in history.
Aug 26 Thonis van Leeuwenhoek, biologist/inventor (microscope), dies at 90 in the year 1723.
Oct 16 In the year 1723 johann Andreas Joseph Giulini, composer
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