Historical Events In 1712
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 17 On this day in history john Stanley, composer
Jan 24 Frederick II, (the Great), king of Prussia (1740-86) in the year 1712.
Feb 02 Martin Lister, English naturalist and physician on this day in history.
Feb 18 Duke of Bourgondie, French king Louis XIV's grandson, dies in the year 1712.
Feb 29 February 29 is followed by February 30 in Sweden, in a move to abolish the Swedish calendar for a return to the Old style on this day in history.
Mar 13 Isfrid Kayser, composer on this day in history.
Mar 28 Jan van der Heyden, Dutch inventor (street lantern), dies at 75 on this day in history.
Apr 05 John Luyken, poet/etcher (species company), dies at 63 on this day in history.
Apr 06 Slave revolt in New York on this day in history.
Apr 06 In the year 1712 slave revolt in NY
Apr 07 Slave revolt (NYC) in the year 1712.
Apr 10 On this day in history yusuf Nabi, Turkish poet (Hayriye), dies at about 77
Apr 29 In the year 1712 juan Bautista Jose Cabanilles, composer, dies at 67
Apr 30 On this day in history philippus van Limborch, remonstrants theologist/vicar, dies at 78
May 17 Maximilian Emanuel of Bavaria honored as "sovereign of Netherlands" on this day in history.
May 22 Emperor Karel VI crowned king of Hungary in the year 1712.
Jun 24 In the year 1712 simon van der Stel, Dutch gov of Cape Colony (1679-99), dies at 72
Jun 28 Jean Jacques Rousseau, France, composer/social contractor (Confession) on this day in history.
Jul 12 Richard Cromwell, English Lord Protector (1658-59), dies at 85 in the year 1712.
Jul 17 England, Portugal & France sign ceasefire [or 19th] on this day in history.
Jul 20 In the year 1712 the Riot Act takes effect in Great Britain.
Jul 24 In the year 1712 battle at Denain: France under Villars beat Dutch army
Jul 24 In the year 1712 cornelis earl of Nassau, general-major/mister of Woudenberg, dies
Jul 26 Thomas Osborne, English PM (1690-94), dies at 80 on this day in history.
Jul 30 On this day in history abraham Elsevier, publisher, dies
Aug 04 On this day in history johann Jacob de Neufville, composer, dies at 27
Aug 07 Friederich Wilhelm Zachow, composer, dies at 48 on this day in history.
Aug 18 Richard Savage, 4th Earl Rivers, English soldier in the year 1712.
Aug 24 On this day in history cornelis Douwes, Dutch mathematician/astronomer
Aug 24 In the year 1712 thomas Bullis, composer, dies at 54
Aug 26 Sebastian Anton Scherer, composer, dies at 80 in the year 1712.
Aug 29 In the year 1712 gregory King, English statistician (law of King), dies at 63
Sep 01 Simon Fokke, Dutch book illustrator on this day in history.
Sep 11 On this day in history giovanni D Cassini, French astronomer, dies
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