Historical Events In 1697
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 01 Johann Pfeiffer, composer on this day in history.
Jan 06 On this day in history carlo Mannelli, composer, dies at 56
Jan 16 On this day in history richard Savage, English poet
Jan 26 Isaac Newton receives Jean Bernoulli's 6 month time-limit problem, solves problem before going to bed that same night on this day in history.
Jan 28 In the year 1697 john Fenwick, English conspirator
Jan 30 On this day in history johann Joachim Quantz, German royal flautist/composer
Feb 03 Sjoucke Gabbes, Frisian sailor, dies/buried on Dirk-Hartog Island on this day in history.
Feb 04 3 VOC-ships anchor at Dirk-Hartogeiland, Australia in the year 1697.
Feb 17 Louis-Maurice de La Pierre, composer in the year 1697.
Feb 24 Bernard S Albinus, [Weiss], German surgeon/anatomist on this day in history.
Mar 09 Czar Peter the Great begins tour of West-Europe in the year 1697.
Mar 09 Friederike C Neuber, German actress/author (Allerkostbarste Schatz) on this day in history.
Mar 20 In the year 1697 willem de Vlamingh returns to Batavia after exploring "South Land"
Mar 21 Czar Peter the Great begins tour through West-Europe on this day in history.
Mar 25 Hendrik Casimir II, King of Nassau-Dietzstadhouder, dies on this day in history.
Mar 29 Nikolaus Bruhns, composer, dies in the year 1697.
Mar 30 On this day in history john-Baptist Xavery, Flemish sculptor
Apr 01 On this day in history the birth of Abbe Prevost, French author
Apr 05 Charles XI, King of Sweden (1660-97), dies at 41 in the year 1697.
Apr 08 On this day in history pierre Prowo, composer
Apr 15 Charles XII succeeds Charles XI as King of Sweden on this day in history.
Apr 16 Johann Gottlieb Gorner, composer on this day in history.
Apr 23 George Baron Anson, British admiral/explorer on this day in history.
May 07 Stockholm's royal castle (dating back to medieval times) is destroyed by fire (in the 18th century, it is replaced by the current Royal Palace) in the year 1697.
May 10 In the year 1697 jean Marie I'aine Leclair, composer
May 24 English king Willem III travels through northern Europe on this day in history.
Jun 02 In the year 1697 monarch August van Saksen becomes Catholic
Jun 04 Jacob Israel Emden, [Jacob ben Tswi], German rabbi on this day in history.
Jun 11 In the year 1697 francesco A Vallotti, Italian organist/composer/theorist
Jun 27 Polish parliament selects monarch August van Saksen as king in the year 1697.
Jul 10 Francois Hanot, composer in the year 1697.
Jul 11 In the year 1697 jean-Baptiste-Bourguignon d'Anville, French geographer/cartographer
Aug 06 Charles VII, Holy Roman emperor (1742-45) on this day in history.
Sep 03 In the year 1697 king William's War in America ends with Treaty of Ryswick
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