Historical Events In 1650
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 11 Paul Hallman, composer, dies at 49 on this day in history.
Jan 18 On this day in history french Prince Louis II of Condé captured
Jan 18 French Prince Louis II of Condé captured on this day in history.
Feb 01 In the year 1650 rene Descartes, philosopher "I think therefore I am", stops thinking
Feb 02 Nell [Eleanor] Gwyn, English actress/mistress (King Charles II) on this day in history.
Feb 02 In the year 1650 the birth of Nell Gwynne, Comedy actress and mistress of Charles II
Feb 08 John Adriaensz, hydraulic engineer (Haarlemmermeer), dies at about 74 in the year 1650.
Feb 11 In the year 1650 rene Descartes, philosopher "I think therefore I am", stops thinking
Feb 15 On this day in history anne Jules duke de Noailles, marshal of France (hugenot)
Mar 29 Cornelis Galle I, Flemish engraver, dies at about 73 in the year 1650.
Apr 20 On this day in history vOC-management sets new guidelines
Apr 27 In the year 1650 scottish general Montrose defeated
Apr 30 In the year 1650 french rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain
May 20 In the year 1650 francesco Sacrati, composer, dies at 44
May 21 In the year 1650 james G, Marquis of Montrose, Scottish general, hanged
May 24 John Churchill, 1st duke of Marlborough, English general strategist in the year 1650.
May 28 On this day in history gilles Hayne, composer, dies at 59
Jun 09 In the year 1650 the Harvard Corporation, the more powerful of the two administrative boards of Harvard, is established. It is the first legal corporation in the Americas.
Jun 24 England's Charles II returns from the Continent, landing in Scotland. He signs the National Covenant and is proclaimed king, but he is defeated September 3 at the Battle of Dunbar by Oliver Cromwell on this day in history.
Jul 18 On this day in history christoph Scheiner, German astronomer, dies at 74
Jul 30 Prince Willem II occupies Amsterdam in the year 1650.
Aug 03 On this day in history viceroy Willem II & Amsterdam reach accord about standing army
Aug 19 On this day in history abraham de Verwer, painter, buried at about 55
Aug 27 On this day in history johann Samuel Welter, composer
Sep 03 In the year 1650 battle at Dunbar: England vs Scotland
Sep 13 Ferdinand, of Bayern, prince-bishop of Luik/archbishop, dies at 72 in the year 1650.
Sep 29 2nd Fronde-uprising ends on this day in history.
Sep 29 Henry Robinson opens first marriage bureau (England) in the year 1650.
Oct 21 On this day in history jean Bart, French captain/sea hero (Escape from Plymouth)
Oct 21 On this day in history pedro de Espinosa, Spanish poet/writer, dies
Nov 04 In the year 1650 william III of Orange, king of England (1689-1702)
Nov 06 On this day in history willem II, earl of Nassau/prince of Orange, dies at 24
Nov 14 Willem III Henry, [Dutch William], king of England (1689-1702) in the year 1650.
Nov 24 In the year 1650 manuel Cardoso, composer, dies at 83
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