Historical Events In 1647
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 02 On this day in history nathaniel Bacon, leader of Bacon's Rebellion, Va (1676)
Jan 19 On this day in history johan van Beverwijck, physician (Treas of Ongesontheyt), dies at 52
Jan 23 Scottish Presbyterians sell captured Charles I to English parliament on this day in history.
Jan 30 In the year 1647 king Charles I handed over to English parliament
Jan 30 Konrad Hoffler, composer in the year 1647.
Jan 30 On this day in history scots agree to sell King Charles I to English Parliament for £400,
Mar 14 In the year 1647 frederik Hendrik, count of Nassau/prince of Orange, dies at 63
Mar 14 Thirty Years' War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm in the year 1647.
Mar 25 Cape of Good Hope: tour ship Haerlem stranded in Tafel Bay in the year 1647.
Mar 25 Cape of Good Hope; tour ship Haerlem stranded in Tafel Bay on this day in history.
Apr 25 Matthias Gallas, Austrian earl of Campo/duke of Lucerna, dies at 62 in the year 1647.
May 03 On this day in history john A "Joannes" Antonides van der Goes, poet (Bellone aen bant)
May 11 On this day in history peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam to become governor
May 11 In the year 1647 peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam.
May 19 On this day in history sebastian Vrancx, Flemish painter (captain of vigilante), dies
May 21 On this day in history pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, poet/playwright (Warenar), dies at about 65
May 23 On this day in history willem II sworn in as viceroy of Holland
May 26 Massachusetts disallows priest access to colony on this day in history.
May 27 In the year 1647 the first recorded U S execution of a "witch" takes place in Massachusetts
May 27 The first woman known to be executed as a witch, Achsah Young in Massachusetts on this day in history.
Jun 04 British army seizes King Charles I as a prisoner in the year 1647.
Jun 04 On this day in history the English army seizes King Charles I as a hostage
Jun 12 In the year 1647 thomas Farnaby, English grammarian
Jun 14 On this day in history english New Model-army installed
Jun 20 In the year 1647 johann Georg III, Elector of Saxony (1680-91)
Jun 24 On this day in history lord Baltimore's niece ejected requesting vote at Maryland Council
Jul 02 Daniel Finch 2nd earl of Nottingham, English min of foreign affairs on this day in history.
Jul 07 In the year 1647 people's uprising against high prices & Spanish rule in Naples
Jul 07 In the year 1647 thomas Hooker clergyman, father of American democracy, dies
Jul 07 In the year 1647 thomas Hooker, clergyman, father of American democracy, dies
Jul 16 On this day in history massaniello, [Tommaso Aniello], Napolitan rebel, murdered
Jul 22 Margaretha M Alacoque, French mystic/saint on this day in history.
Aug 08 On this day in history irish forces are defeated by British Parliamentary forces at Dangan Hill in Ireland.
Aug 08 The Irish Confederate Wars and Wars of the Three Kingdoms: Battle of Dungans Hill in the year 1647.
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