Historical Events In 1549
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 19 Barthout van Assendelft, 1st land advocate of Holland, dies on this day in history.
Jan 28 Elia Levita, German-Yiddish writer (Habachur), dies at about 80 in the year 1549.
Feb 04 Eustache du Caurroy, composer in the year 1549.
Feb 10 Tomé de Sousa appointed Governor-General of Brazil on this day in history.
Feb 10 On this day in history tomé de Sousa appointed gov-gen of Brazil
Mar 11 Hendrik L Spieghel, Dutch merchant/writer on this day in history.
Mar 20 Thomas Seymour of Sudely, English Lord Admiral, beheaded on this day in history.
Mar 29 On this day in history the city of Salvador da Bahia, the first capital of Brazil, is founded.
May 27 On this day in history lijsbeth Dirksdr, Fries antabaptist, drowns
Jun 01 On this day in history allesandre Spontone, composer
Jun 07 Eelke Fouckens, Frisian anabaptist, beheaded on this day in history.
Jun 09 On this day in history book of Common Prayer is adopted by the Church of England
Jul 12 English boer army occupies Norwich in the year 1549.
Jul 17 Jews are expelled from Ghent Belgium in the year 1549.
Jul 27 Jesuit priest Francis Xavier's ship reached Japan on this day in history.
Aug 08 On this day in history france declares war on England
Aug 12 French troops occupy Ambleteuse England in the year 1549.
Aug 15 Portuguese missionaries Franciscus Xaverius lands in Kagoshima Japan on this day in history.
Aug 26 Battle at Dussingdale: John Dudley beats rebels on this day in history.
Aug 27 In the year 1549 battle at Dussindale: John Dudley destroys English boer army
Sep 01 Charles Philip of Croij, marquis of Havre/earl of Fontenoy, etc on this day in history.
Sep 13 In the year 1549 pope Paul III signs Council of Bologna
Oct 01 In the year 1549 anna of H Bartolomaeus, Flemish prioress/founded a nunnery
Oct 10 In the year 1549 duke of Somerset fired as Lord Protector & imprisoned
Oct 12 On this day in history john Dudley earl of Warwick becomes English premier
Nov 05 Philippe du Plessis, France, author in the year 1549.
Nov 10 On this day in history paul III, [Alessandro Farnese], Italian Pope (1534-49), dies at 81
Dec 01 Johan van der Veeken, merchant/co-founder (VOC) in the year 1549.