Historical Events In 1521
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 03 Martin Luther excommunicated by Pope Leo X from the Roman Catholic Church on this day in history.
Jan 03 Martin Luther excommunicated by Roman Catholic Church on this day in history.
Jan 22 Emperor Charles V opens the Diet of Worms on this day in history.
Jan 28 On this day in history the Diet of Worms begins, lasting until May 25.
Mar 06 In the year 1521 magellan discovers Guam
Mar 06 Magellan discovers the Mariana Islands on this day in history.
Mar 16 In the year 1521 magelhaes' fleet discovers Zamal (Samar)
Mar 16 On this day in history portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reaches Philippines
Mar 17 In the year 1521 ferdinand Magellan discovers the Philippines
Mar 17 Magelhaes lands on Homohon in the year 1521.
Mar 21 On this day in history mauritius, duke/nice monarch of Saksen (1547-53)
Mar 31 In the year 1521 magelhaes takes possession of Homohon, Archipelago of St Lazarus
Apr 07 Inquisitor-general Adrian Boeyens bans Lutheran books on this day in history.
Apr 16 On this day in history martin Luther arrives at Diet of Worms
Apr 17 Martin Luther is excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in the year 1521.
Apr 18 Francois de Coligny, ruler of van Andelot, French general (Jarnac) on this day in history.
Apr 18 On this day in history parliament of Worms: Cardinal Alexander questions Maarten Luther
Apr 21 On this day in history battle at Villalar: Emperor Charles I beats Communards
Apr 22 In the year 1521 french king Francois I declares war on Spain
Apr 22 Juan de Padilla, Spanish nobleman/communero-rebel, beheaded on this day in history.
Apr 27 On this day in history ferdinand Magellan world traveler, killed by Filipino natives
Apr 27 Ferdinand Magellan, world traveler, killed by Filipino natives at 50 on this day in history.
Apr 28 Treaty of Worms: Emperor Charles names his brother Ferdinand Arch duke of Neth-Austria in the year 1521.
May 08 Parliament of Worms installs edict against Marten Luther in the year 1521.
May 08 Peter Canisius, [Pieter de Hondt/Kanijs], jesuit/saint in the year 1521.
May 17 Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason in the year 1521.
May 20 Ignatius Loyola seriously wounded by a cannon ball in the year 1521.
May 25 In the year 1521 edict of Worms outlaws Martin Luther & his followers
May 26 Edict of Worms outlaws Martin Luther & his followers in the year 1521.
May 26 In the year 1521 martin Luther is banned by the Edict of Worms for his writings and religious beliefs
May 28 On this day in history pope Leo X signs treaty with German emperor Charles V
May 28 In the year 1521 pope Leo X signs treaty with Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
May 28 On this day in history willem van Croij, duke of Soria, dies at about 62
Jul 25 In the year 1521 about 300 heretics burned in Vrijdagmarkt Gent
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