Historical Events In 1510
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 22 In the year 1510 jews are expelled from Colmar Germany
Feb 13 Charles of Gelre conquerors Oldenzaal on this day in history.
Feb 24 In the year 1510 pope Julius II excommunicates the republic of Venice
Feb 28 Juan de la Cosa, Spanish cartographer and explorer on this day in history.
Mar 01 In the year 1510 francisco d'Almeida, viceroy of India, dies in battle at about 59
Mar 01 In the year 1510 influenza pandemic in Asia, North Africa, Europe killing Around 1% of those infected people
Mar 25 On this day in history georges d'amboise, French archbishop of Narbonne/Rouen, dies at 49
May 17 Alessandro di Botticelli, painter (Birth of Venus), dies at about 65 in the year 1510.
May 25 In the year 1510 georges d'Amboise, French cardinal/viceroy in North Italy, dies at 49
Jun 09 Nicolaas van Nieuwland, corrupt 1st bishop of Harlem on this day in history.
Jul 17 In the year 1510 edmund Dudley, English minister of Justice/Finance, dies
Jul 19 In the year 1510 38 Jews are burned at stake in Berlin Prussia
Aug 17 Edmund Dudley, English treasurer, beheaded in the year 1510.
Sep 10 In the year 1510 bishop Frederik of Bathe recaptures Oldenzaal
Oct 25 Il Giorgione, [Giorgio del Castelfranco], Italian painter, dies at 32 on this day in history.
Oct 25 René/Renata de France, duchess of Ferara/daughter of Louis XII in the year 1510.
Oct 28 In the year 1510 francisco Borgia, great grandson of pope Alexander VI/theologist/saint