Historical Events In 1497
Saturday, 08 February 2025
Jan 06 On this day in history jews are expelled from Graz (Syria)
Feb 06 On this day in history john Ockeghem, Flemish singer/composer, dies at 79
Feb 15 Philipp Melanchthon, German Protestant in the year 1497.
Feb 16 Philipp Melanchthon, Germ, Protestant reformer (Augsburgse Confessie) on this day in history.
Feb 25 On this day in history italians troops reconquer Taranto on France
Mar 09 Nicolaus Copernicus 1st recorded astronomical observation in the year 1497.
Mar 09 Nicolaus Copernicus first recorded astronomical observation, in the year 1497.
May 02 In the year 1497 john Cabot departs to North-America
May 10 Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci leaves for 1st voyage to New World on this day in history.
May 10 On this day in history italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci leaves for first voyage to New World
May 13 In the year 1497 pope Alexander VI excommunicates Girolamo Savonarola
Jun 17 In the year 1497 battle of Deptford Bridge
Jun 22 Antitax insurrection in Cornwall suppressed at Blackheath on this day in history.
Jun 24 In the year 1497 john Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
Jun 24 In the year 1497 john Cabot claims eastern Canada for England (believes he found Asia in Nova Scotia)
Jul 08 Vasco da Gama departs for trip to India on this day in history.
Jul 08 On this day in history vasco da Gama leaves Lisbon on his voyage of discovery to India
Jul 22 On this day in history francesco Botticini, Italian painter, dies at about 52
Jul 26 "Edward IV's son" Perkin Warbecks army lands in Cork in the year 1497.
Aug 06 John Cabot returns to Bristol from North-America on this day in history.
Aug 10 On this day in history john Cabot tells King Henry VII of his trip to "Asia"
Sep 07 Sailor Perkin Warbeck becomes English King Richard IV on this day in history.
Nov 18 On this day in history bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope
Nov 18 Vasco da Gama reached the Cape of Good Hope on this day in history.
Nov 22 Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama rounds Cape of Good Hope in the year 1497.