Historical Events In 1463
Friday, 14 February 2025
Jan 05 On this day in history french poet Francois Villon banished from Paris
Jan 17 On this day in history frederick III, the Wise, elector of Saxony (1486-25), protector Luther
Feb 24 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Italy, scholar/platonist in the year 1463.
Jun 04 Flavio Biondi, Italian writer (Rome instaurata), dies at about 65 on this day in history.
Oct 29 On this day in history alessandro Achillini, Italian physician/philosopher
Nov 15 Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini, Prince of Taranto and Constable of Naples in the year 1463.
Dec 02 On this day in history albrecht VI, archduke of Habsburg, dies
Dec 03 Louis Chalon, prince of Orange, dies on this day in history.