Historical Events In 1438
Friday, 14 February 2025
Jan 01 Albrecht II von Habsburg becomes king of Hungary on this day in history.
Jan 05 In the year 1438 pope Eugenius IV deallocated council of Basel to Ferrara
Feb 12 Adolf van Egmond, duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen on this day in history.
Mar 18 Albrecht II von Habsburg becomes king of Germany on this day in history.
Apr 03 John III van Egmont, [Manke John], viceroy of Holland on this day in history.
Jul 07 On this day in history french church/King Charles VII release Pragmatieke Sanctie of Bourges
Sep 09 On this day in history eduard [Dom Duarte], King of Portugal (1433-38)/writer, dies
Oct 20 Jacopo di Piero della Quercia, Italian sculptor, dies at about 64 on this day in history.