Historical Events In 1330
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Jan 13 Frederick (III), the Handsome, duke of Austrian/German anti-king, dies on this day in history.
May 11 Constantinople (Istanbul) becomes new capital by Roman Emperor Constantine for Eastern Roman Empire in the year 1330.
Jun 15 Edward, the black prince, prince of Wales (1343-1376) on this day in history.
Jul 18 In the year 1330 battle of Velbuzd
Jul 28 Michael III, Tsar of Bulgaria, dies in battle on this day in history.
Aug 25 AntiPope Nicolaas V overthrows himself in the year 1330.
Nov 09 In the year 1330 battle of Posada, Wallachian Voievode Basarab I defeats the Hungarian army in an ambush