Page 2: Historical Events In 1811
Friday, 14 February 2025
Mar 20 On this day in history george Caleb Bingham, US, politician/painter (Country Election)
Mar 23 Camille Marie Stamaty, composer in the year 1811.
Mar 25 In the year 1811 percy Bysshe Shelley is expelled from the University of Oxford for his publication of the pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism.
Mar 30 In the year 1811 angelo Catelani, Italian composer/conductor
Mar 31 Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen, Germany, chemist (Bunsen Burner) on this day in history.
Mar 31 The birth of Robert Bunsen, German who invented the 'Bunsen' burner on this day in history.
Apr 03 In the year 1811 pieter-Jozef Verhaghen, Flemish (court)painter, dies at 83
Apr 05 On this day in history robert Raikes, founder of Sunday Schools, dies
Apr 12 In the year 1811 1st US colonists on Pacific coast arrive at Cape Disappointment, WA
Apr 12 On this day in history first US colonists on Pacific coast arrive at Cape Disappointment, WA
Apr 15 Ernest Louis Muller, composer, dies at 70 on this day in history.
Apr 17 Ann Sheppard Mounsey, composer on this day in history.
May 03 In the year 1811 thomas Douglas, Lord Selkirk purchases 300,000 sq km of Manitoba from the Hudson's Bay Company for a Red River colony named to be named Assiniboia.
May 11 Chang & Eng Bunker, Chinese Siamese twins on this day in history.
May 12 In the year 1811 louis-Charles-Joseph Rey, composer, dies at 52
May 14 Paraguay gains independence from Spain (National Day) in the year 1811.
May 14 On this day in history paraguay gains independence from Spain (Natl Day)
May 16 On this day in history peninsular War-Allies defeat French at Albuera
May 18 Battle of Las Piedras: The first great military triumph of the revolution of the RÃo de la Plata in Uruguay lead by Jose Artigas on this day in history.
May 24 Charles Clark, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1877 in the year 1811.
Jun 04 The birth of Harriet Beecher Stowe, American novelist in the year 1811.
Jun 07 James Young Simpson, Scotland, obsterician (used chloroform) in the year 1811.
Jun 11 On this day in history charles Frederick, liberal ruler of Baden, dies at 82
Jun 14 Harriet Beecher Stowe, author (Uncle Tom's Cabin) in the year 1811.
Jun 17 In the year 1811 jon Sigurdsson, Iceland, leader/collects Icelandic legends
Jun 19 Henry Prince, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1892 on this day in history.
Jun 19 Samuel Chase, US judge (signed Declar of Independence), dies at 70 in the year 1811.
Jun 24 John Archibald Campbell, Asst Secy War (Confederacy), died in 1889 on this day in history.
Jul 05 Venezuela, 1st South American country to gain independence from Spain in the year 1811.
Jul 05 In the year 1811 venezuela, first South American country to gain independence from Spain
Jul 11 Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro publishes his memoir about molecular content of gases on this day in history.
Jul 11 In the year 1811 joseph Lanman, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1874
Jul 13 On this day in history the birth of George G. Scott, British architect
Jul 18 The birth of W.M Thackery, English novelist in the year 1811.
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