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Historical Events In 1798

Saturday, 07 September 2024

Jul 06   US law makes aliens "liable to be apprehended, restrained,... & removed as alien enemies" in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 07   Quasi-War: the U.S. Congress rescinds treaties with France sparking the 'war.' in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 11   Reestablishment of Marine Corps under the Constitution on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 11   In the year 1798 uS Marine Corps created by an act of Congress  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 11   US Marine Corps forms in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 14   In the year 1798 1st direct federal tax on states-on dwellings, land & slaves  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 14   On this day in history in the US, the Sedition Act becomes law making it a federal crime to criticize the US government. Although never tested in court, it is assumed to be unconstitutional.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 14   Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous & malicious" writing against US govt in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 14   On this day in history the first direct federal tax on the states-on dwellings, land & slaves  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 15   Charles H Bell, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1875 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 15   Gaetano Pugnani, composer, dies at 66 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 16   On this day in history uS Public Health Service established & US Marine Hospital authorized  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 16   US Public Health Service forms & US Marine Hospital authorized on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 21   Napoleon Bonaparte wins Battle of Pyramids in Egypt on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 23   Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 24   In the year 1798 john Adams Dix, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1879  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 01   Battle of Abukir on the Nile-Nelson defeats French fleet in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 01   British under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 01   The English navy, under Nelson, defeats the French at the Battle of the Nile in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 02   In the year 1798 british under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 07   In the year 1798 johann Gottlieb Sollner, composer, dies at 65  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 15   Felice Alessandri, composer, dies at 50 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 21   In the year 1798 corneille F de Nelis, Flemish scholar/bishop of Antwerp, dies at 62  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 21   Jules Michelet, French historian (History of France, L'Amour) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 22   In the year 1798 french forces land in Ireland  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 22   On this day in history french troops land in Kilcummin harbour, County Mayo, Ireland to aid Wolfe Tone's United Irishmen's Irish Rebellion.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 27   In the year 1798 battle at Castelbar, Ireland: French army hunts The English  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 28   On this day in history gershom Jaques Van Brunt, Comm (Union Navy), died in 1863  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 28   James Wilson, Scot/US judge/signer (Decl of Ind), dies at 55 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 01   In the year 1798 england signs treaty with nizam of Hyderabad, India  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 01   On this day in history richard Delafield, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1873  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 02   In the year 1798 thomas Holliday Hicks, (Union Gov) died in 1865  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 03   Weeklong battle of St. George's Caye begun between Spanish and British off the coast of Belize in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 05   New conscription law goes into effect in France in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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Famous Birthdays In 1798

Famous People Born In This Year In History

Jan 06   On this day in history birth of ferdinand Simon Gassner, composer  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 14   Isaac da Costa, Dutch writer/lawyer was born in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 14   On this day in history birth of johan R Thorbecke, Premier of Netherlands (Lib-1849..72)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 15   Thomas Crofton Croker, Irish story teller (Fairy legends) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 19   Auguste Comte, philosopher/founder (sociology & positivism) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 20   On this day in history birth of anson Jones, 5th and last President of Texas (d. 1858)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 24   On this day in history birth of karl von Holtei, Silezian actor/playwright (Die Vagabunden)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 24   Karl von Staudt, German math professor (projective geometrician) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Famous Deaths In 1798

Famous People Died In This Year In History

Jan 09   Pedro Pablo Abarca d Bolea earl of Aranda, Spanish officer, dies at 79 on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 20   In the year 1798 christian Cannabich, German composer/royal chaplain master, dies at 66  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 22   Lewis Morris, US farmer (signed Decl of Independence), dies at 71 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jan 26   Christian Gottlob Neefe, German organist/composer, dies at 49 in the year 1798.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Feb 06   In the year 1798 niels Schiorring, composer, dies at 54  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Feb 13   On this day in history wilhelm H Wackenroder, German writer (Fantasies of Art), dies at 24  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Feb 25   In the year 1798 death of louis-Jules Mancini-Mazarini, Duc de Nivernais, French diplomat and writer (b. 1716)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Mar 22   In the year 1798 justin Morgan, composer, dies at 51  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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