Historical Events In 1394
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Mar 04 On this day in history henry the Navigator, Prince/sponsors Portuguese voyages of discovery
May 01 Ekiho, exorcised the Zen temple & it's surroundings from an old badger in the year 1394.
May 01 Ekiho, exorcised the Zen temple &it's surroundings from an old badger on this day in history.
Aug 11 In the year 1394 jan III, mister of Polanen, dies
Sep 16 In the year 1394 clement VII, [Robert de Geneve], Pope (1378-94), dies
Sep 17 In the year 1394 jews are expelled from France by order of King Charles VI
Sep 28 Cardinal Pedro de Luna of Aragon chosen (anti)pope Benedictus XIII on this day in history.
Nov 03 Jews are expelled from France by Charles VI on this day in history.