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Quotations Page 'P'

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

One fire burns out another's burning; One pain lessen'd by another' anguish.

- Shakespeare, Romeo and juliet -


There are two things to be sanctified : pain and pleasure.

- Pascal, Panseas -


I mix them with my brains, sir.

- Joen Opie -


A picture is a poem without words.

- Horace -


No another can live by this work and be as empty headed as an average successful painter.

- G.B. Shaw -


Paint me as I am. If you leave out the scars and wrinkles, I will not pay you a shilling.

- Oliver Cromwell -


A Panic is Stampede of our self-possession.

- Rivarol -


For he on honey drew hath fed. And drunk the milk of Paradise.

- S.T.Coleridge, Kubla Khan -


They who forgive most, shall be most forgiven.

- Bailey -


Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; somtimes they forgive them.

- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray -


The voice of parents is the voice of Gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants.

- Shakespeare -


Beautiful talk is by no means the most pressing wants in Parliament.

- Carlyle, Latter Day Pamphlets -


I have no parting sigh to give, so take my parting smile.

- L.E. Landor -


Goodnight, goodnight ! parting is such seet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet -


Party spirit which, at best is but the madness of many for the gala of few.

- Pope -


Conquest of passion is bound up with the conquests of the palate.

- M. Gandhi -


It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water they are good servants but bad masters. Where passion rules, how weak does reason prove.

- Dryden, Rival Ladies -


Let the dead past bury its dead.

- Longfellow, A Psalm of life -


The best friend one can have is the past.

- Baroness De Krudener -


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