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Quotations Page 'J'

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

There is a sweet joy that comes to us after sorrow.

- Supergeon -


Joy is the battle. The result comes by the grace of God.

- M. Gandhi, Harijan -


And joy, whose hand is ever at his lips, Bidding adieu.

- Keats -


And while he yet spoke, Lo, Judas, one of the twelve came ... and forthwith he came to Jesus, and said Hail ! Master; and kissed him.

- New Testament, Mathew -


Be your own judge and will be happy.

- M. Gandhi -


Ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead.

- New Testament -


Thives for their robbery have authority, when judges steal themselves.

- Shakespeare -


O judgment ! thou art fled to brutish beasts.And men have lost their reason !

- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar 111 -


Judgement is forced on us by experience.

- Johnson -


To perceive is to feel; to compare is to judge.Judging and feeling are not the same thing.

- Rousseau -


God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars.

- Alburt Hubbard, Epigrams -


Flee from the wrath to come.

- New Testament, Mathew -


And hungry judges soon the sentence sigh.And wretches hang that jurymen may die.

- Pope, The Rape of the Lock -


Justice without generosity, may easily become Shylock's justice.

- M. Gandhi, Harijan -


God's mill grinds slow, but sure.

- George Herbert -


Live and let live is the rule of common justice.

- Sir Roger, L'Estrange -


My experience has shown me that we win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party.

- M. Gandhi, Autobiography -


The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government.

- George Washngton -


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