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Quotations Page 'H'

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

A comfortable house is a great source of happiness.It ranks immediately after health and good conscience.

- Letter to Lord Murray -


Type of the wise, who soar, but never roam - True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home.

- Wordsworth, To a Skylark -


Without heart there is no home.

- Byron -


Seven cities warred for Homer, being dead, who, living, had no roof to shroud his head.

- Thomas Heywood, On Homer's Birthplace -


Man's history is waiting in paitence for the triumph of the insuleted man.

- Tagore, Stray Birds -


Honesty is the best policy.

- Franklin -


Honesty is really only the art of a peering honest.

- Guarini, Of the Honesty or Virtue of Women -


An honest man's the noblest work of God.

- Pope, Essay on Man -


No legacy is so rich as Honesty.

- Shakespeare -


A straight line is shortest in morals as well as in geometry.

- Rachel -


Only the man of serene mind can realise the spiritual meaning of life. Honesty with oneself is the condition of spiritual integrity.

- S.Radhakrishnan -


I could not love thee Dear, so much.Lov'd I do not honour more.

- Lovelace. To Lucasta -


We honour the illustrious dead best by following their example.

- M.Gandhi. Harijan -


If lose mine honourable, I lose myself.

-Shakespeare -


What is fitting is honour; what is honourable is fitting.

- Cicero -


Honours and great employment are great burdens.

- Massinger, Bondman -


Hope springs in the human breast, Man never is, but always to be blest.

- Pope, Essay on Man -


For where no hope is left, on fear.

- Milton, Paradise Regained -


I cultivate hope and I see it wither daily; Alas, what does it serve to water the leaves when the tree is cut off at its foot.

- Rousseau, Juliet -


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