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Quotations Page 'D'

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

And all my fotunes at thy foot I'll lay,And follow thee, my lord throughout the world.

- Shakespeare, Romeo and juliet -


All is holy where devotion kneels.

- O.W.Holmes -


Every dew-drop and rain-drop had a whole heaven within it.


- Longfellow -


The best throw with the dice is to throw them away.

- Proverb -


One meal a day is enough for a lion, if not to be for a man.

- C.Fordyce -


...... the ultimate failures of dictatorship cost humanity far more than any temporary failures of democracy.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt.Address, 1937 -


The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them.

- Geothe -


We are often duped by difficulties as by confidence.

- Chesterfield -


Even with the best desert goes diffidence.

- Browning -


Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself.

- George Santayana, Introduction to Spinoza -


No race can prosper till it learns that there is much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

- Broker T.Washington, Up From Slavery -


Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.

- Issac Goldberg -


Diplomat is a man who remembers a lady's birth day but forgets her age.

- Amon -


Dirt is not dirt, but only something in the wrong place.

- Lord Palmerston -


Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom.

- Sir Boyle Boche -


As for disappointing them I should not so much mind; but I can't abide to disappointment myself.

- Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer -


How disappointment tracks the steps of hope.

- L.E.London -


Night was our friend; leader was despair.

- Vergil, Aeneid -


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