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Quotations Page 'C'

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Compliments are only lies in courtclothes.

- Anon -


Life canmot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions.

- Johnson-


All great alteration in human affairs are produced by compromise.

- Sydney Smith -


It is great cleverness to know how to conceal our cleverness.

- Rochefoucauld -


Conciet in weakest bodies strongest works.

- Shakespeare, Hamlet -


He was like the cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.

- George Eliot, Adam Beep -


Wind puffs up empty bladders; opinion, fools.

- Socrates -


The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions.

-Anon -


I own the soft impeachment.

- Sheridon, Rivais -


There are some things which men confess with ease, but others with difficulty.

- Epicuras, Discourse -


To confess a fault freely is the next thing to being innocent of it.

- Syrus -


Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.

- George Herbert, Jacula Prunentum -


Trust not him that hath once broken faith.

- Shakespeare -


They conquer who believe they can.

- Dryden -


By mutual confidence and great discoveries made.

-Homer, Illiad -


Self trust is the essence of heroism.

- Emerson -


I came, I saw, conquered

- Julius Caesar, Letter to Amaritus, 47 BC -


Conscience is God's presence in man.

- Swedenborg, Arcana Coelesta -


Conscience is a sacred santuary where God alone may enter as a judge.

- Lamennais -


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