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Historical Events In March - 22

Monday, 16 September 2024

1999  On March - 22 raiLink Ltd.takes over operation of the CN Coronado, Bonnyville, and Lac La Biche subdivisions, northeast of Edmonton. The line extends from St. Paul Junction, immediately north of Edmonton, to Boyle and northeast to Grande Centre and Elk Point. It also connects with RaiLink's existing Lakeland and Waterways line at Boyle.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2006  On March - 22 eTA declares a permanent ceasefire in their campaign for Basque independence from Spain.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2007  On March - 22 nATO troops launch two assaults in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, killing 38 Taliban terrorists. NATO suffers no casualties.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2009  On this day in history mount Redoubt, a volcano in Alaska began erupting after a prolonged period of unre.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2012  On March - 22 largest protest in Quebec's history occurs in Montreal with over 200,000 people marching against government tuition hikes and for free access to post-secondary education  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2012  On March - 22 the President of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, is ousted in a coup d'état after mutinous soldiers attack government offices.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2013  On March - 22 37 people are killed and 200 are injured in a refugee camp fire in Ban Mae, Thailand  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2014  251 people are killed after a boat capsizes in Lake Albert, Uganda on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  Arctic records its lowest ever winter ice cover according to US National Snow and Ice Data Center, 5.5 million square miles on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  Tomb of Jesus reopens after restoration in Jerusalem on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  On this day in history terrorist attack on London's Westminster Bridge and Houses of Parliament kills 4 including a police officer and injures 40  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2018  On March - 22 uS President Donald Trump imposes $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese imports  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2018  The "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" between Hawaii and California has 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic and increasing rapidly according to new research on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2020  Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei refuses American coronavirus COVID-19 help, refers to conspiracy theory that it was manufactured by the US on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2023  On March - 22 former UK PM Boris Johnson is grilled by Government Privileges Committee over whether he intentionally misled parliament over COVID-19 rule breaches by his administration [1]  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2023  Microsoft founder Bill Gates says development of artificial intelligence (AI) is the most important technological advance since the graphical user interface (GUI) in 1980 [1] on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2023  New DNA analysis of composer Ludwig van Beethoven 's hair reveals he probably died of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis B, but doesn't explain his deafness [1] on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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Famous Birthdays In March - 22

Famous People Born On This Day In History

0841  Bernard Plantapilosa, Count of Auvergne (d. 885) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1212  On March - 22 birth of emperor Go-Horikawa of Japan (d. 1235)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1366  Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, English politician (d. 1399) was born on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1459  Maximilian I of Habsburg, German Emperor/archduke of Austria was born on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1503  On this day in history birth of antonio Francesco Grazzini, Italian writer (d. 1583)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1599  On this day in history birth of anthony Van Dyck, Flemish painter (Charles I of England)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1609  On March - 22 birth of john II Casimir Vasa, cardinal/king of Poland (1648-68)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1663  On March - 22 birth of august Hermann Francke, German Protestant minister (d. 1727)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Famous Deaths In March - 22

Famous People Died On This Day In History

0337  On this day in history constantine, Emperor of Rome, dies at 47  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1322  Death of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, English politician (b. 1278) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1418  On March - 22 death of dietrich of Nieheim, German historian  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1421  Death of Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence, second son of Henry IV of England (killed in battle) (b. 1388) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1471  On March - 22 george van Podiebrad, king of Bohemia (1458-71), dies  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1544  Death of Johannes Magnus, last Catholic Archbishop of Sweden (b. 1488) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1589  On this day in history lodovico Guicciardini, Ital historian, dies at 67  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1602  Death of Agostino Carracci, Italian artist (b. 1557) on March - 22.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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