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Historical Events In August - 17

Saturday, 07 September 2024

1990  On August - 17 "The Exorcist 3" premiers  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1990  On this day in history pearl Bailey broadway actress/singer, dies at 72 from a heart attack  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1990  On August - 17 phyllis Polander sues Mike Tyson for sexual harassment  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1990  Pearl Bailey, actress (Landlord)/singer, dies of heart attack at 72 on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1991  Wade Frankum runs amok with automatic rifle and knife at Strathfield in Sydney, killing seven people and himself on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1991  On this day in history don Dubbins, actor (Enchanted Island, DI), dies at 63  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1992  Andre de Villiers, South African, murdered on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1993  On this day in history max de Metz, Dutch publisher/translator/interpreter, dies at 72  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1998  U.S. President Bill Clinton admits in a televised address to having had inappropriate relations with ex-White House intern Monica Lewinsky on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1999  On this day in history izmit earthquake in Turkey killing 17,127 people  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2005  Bangladesh is hit by bomb explosions. [2] on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2005  On August - 17 sellapan Ramanathan gains victory in the Singapore Presidential elections, 205.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2005  The first forced evacuation of settlers, as part of the Israel unilateral disengagement plan, starts on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2007  On this day in history vladimir Putin issues a statement, revealing that Russia is to resume the flight exercises of its Strategic bombers in remote areas. The flights were suspended in 1991 after the Collapse of the Soviet Union.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2012  Three members of Russian punk band Pussy Riot are jailed for two years on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2013  15 civilians are killed by a Syrian warplane attack in Aleppo on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  On this day in history terror attack on Las Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain as van rams into crowds killing 16, injuring 120  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  On August - 17 three Hong Kong activists, Jason Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow jailed for unlawful assembly  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  On this day in history anti-immigrant One Nation party leader Pauline Hansen is widely criticized for wearing a burqa into the Australian parliament  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  On this day in history collision of two neutron stars witnessed for the first time first picked up by US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Ligo)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

2017  The first observation of a collision of two neutron stars (GW170817) is hailed as a breakthrough in multi-messenger astronomy when both gravitational and electromagnetic waves from the event are detected. Data from the event provided confirmatory evidence for the r-process theory of the origin of heavy elements like gold on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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Famous Birthdays In August - 17

Famous People Born On This Day In History

1473  On this day in history birth of richard, Duke of York (d. 1483?)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1578  On August - 17 birth of francesco Albani, Italian painter (d. 1660)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1586  Johann V Andreae, German vicar/writer (Christenburg) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1601  Pierre de Fermat, mathematician who needed wider margins [or Aug 20] was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1629  King John III of Poland (d. 1696) was born on August - 17.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1686  On August - 17 birth of nicola Antonio Porpora, composer  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1720  On August - 17 birth of charles D J Eisen, French engraver/painter (Contes de La Fontaine)  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1753  Josef Dobrovský, Czech linguist (d. 1828) was born on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Famous Deaths In August - 17

Famous People Died On This Day In History

0754  On this day in history karloman, abbot of Monte cassino, dies at >39  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1153  Death of Eustace IV of Boulogne, son of Stephen of England (b. 1130) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1304  Death of Emperor Go-Fukakusa of Japan (b. 1243) on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1464  On this day in history nikolaus von Cusa, German theologist/mathematician/philosopher, dies  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1510  Death of Edmund Dudley, English treasurer, beheaded on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1536  Death of Pietersz, book publisher (Kersten Knight on this day in history.  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1553  On August - 17 charles III, Duke of Savoy, dies  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

1635  On this day in history francisco de Moncada, Spanish earl of Osuna, dies at 48  Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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