Famous Deaths In 1883
Monday, 07 October 2024
Jan 04 On this day in history nicolas Ledesma, composer, dies at 91
Jan 05 Charles Tompson, first Australian published poet (b. 1806) died in the year 1883.
Jan 10 Dr Samuel A. Mudd, American medical doctor (b. 1833) died on this day in history.
Jan 21 Jacopo Tomadini, composer, dies at 62 in the year 1883.
Jan 23 In the year 1883 death of gustave Doré, French artist, engraver, and illustrator (b. 1832)
Jan 24 In the year 1883 friedrich von Flotow, German baron/composer, dies at 70
Feb 01 Pavel Melnikov, Russian historian/author, dies in the year 1883.
Feb 13 In the year 1883 pavel Melnikov, [Petsjerski], Russian historian, dies at 64
Feb 17 Napoleon Coste, composer, dies at 76 in the year 1883.
Feb 26 Alexandros Koumoundouros, Greek politician, Prime Minister of Greece (b. 1817) died on this day in history.
Mar 04 Alexander H Stephens, VP Confederate States, dies at 71 on this day in history.
Mar 05 Marius Barbeau, French Canadian ethnographer and folklorist (b. 1969) died on this day in history.
Mar 12 Murrumgunarriman, [Twopenny], cricketer (Aboriginal team 1868), dies on this day in history.
Mar 14 Karl Marx, German philosopher (Communist Manifesto), dies at 64 on this day in history.
Mar 15 On this day in history karol Studzinski, composer, dies at 55
Apr 04 In the year 1883 death of peter Cooper, American industrialist, inventor and philanthropist (b. 1791)
Apr 06 Benjamin Wright Raymond, American politician (b. 1801) died on this day in history.
Apr 18 On this day in history agnes Tyrrell, composer, dies at 36
Apr 22 Octave Fouque, composer, dies at 38 on this day in history.
Apr 30 In the year 1883 death of Édouard Manet, French painter (b. 1832)
May 17 In the year 1883 lydia Estes Pinklham, patent-medicine manufacturer, dies
May 20 William Chambers, author/publisher, dies on this day in history.
May 23 Cyprian K Norwid, Polish painter/poet/playwright (Wanda), dies on this day in history.
May 24 In the year 1883 death of abdel Kadir, Algerian leader (b. 1808)
May 26 Abd el-Kader, Algerian sultan/religious ruler, dies at about 74 in the year 1883.
May 28 August Freyer, composer, dies at 79 in the year 1883.
May 29 On this day in history albrecht of Prussia, mistress of John van Rossum, dies at 73
Jun 06 Ciprian Porumbescu, composer, dies at 29 on this day in history.
Jun 10 Carl Gradener, composer, dies at 71 on this day in history.
Jun 14 On this day in history death of edward FitzGerald, English poet (b. 1809)
Jun 20 On this day in history olivier Gloux, [Gustave Aimard], French world explorer, dies at 64
Jul 01 Manuel Gregorio Tavarez, composer, dies at 39 on this day in history.
Jul 05 Frederick Scotson Clark, composer, dies at 42 on this day in history.
Jul 09 Adrien Louis Victor Boieldieu, composer, dies at 67 on this day in history.
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