Famous Deaths In 1788
Sunday, 06 October 2024
Jan 05 Johann Schneider, composer, dies at 85 on this day in history.
Jan 14 François Joseph Paul, marquis de Grasetilly, comte de Grasse, French admiral (b. 1722) died in the year 1788.
Jan 15 Gaetano Latilla, composer, dies at 77 on this day in history.
Jan 17 In the year 1788 alessio Prati, composer, dies at 37
Jan 31 On this day in history charles E Stuart, English pretender to the throne, dies at 67
Feb 18 John Whitehurst, English clockmaker and scientist (b. 1713) died in the year 1788.
Feb 20 Gijsbert John van Hardenbroeck, Dutch regent (Utrecht), dies at 68 in the year 1788.
Feb 21 On this day in history death of johann Georg Palitzsch, German astronomer (b. 1723)
Feb 22 Franz Joseph Oehlschlagel, composer, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Feb 28 Thomas Cushing, American Continental Congressman (b. 1725) died in the year 1788.
Mar 01 In the year 1788 orazio Mei, composer, dies at 56
Mar 29 In the year 1788 charles Wesley, hymn writer, dies
Apr 12 Carl Joseph Toeschi, composer, dies at 56 on this day in history.
Apr 15 Giuseppi Bonno, composer, dies at 77 in the year 1788.
Apr 16 In the year 1788 death of georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, French naturalist (b. 1707)
Apr 22 On this day in history zacharias H Alewijn, Dutch poet, dies 46
May 08 Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, Italian-born physician and naturalist (b. 1723) died on this day in history.
May 29 In the year 1788 jacques Aliamet, French etcher/engraver, dies at 61
Jun 12 Johann A Cramer, prime minister/poet, dies at 65 on this day in history.
Jun 18 On this day in history death of adam Gib, Scottish religious leader (b. 1714)
Jun 28 Johann Christoph Vogel, composer, dies at 32 in the year 1788.
Jul 14 Johann Gottfried Muthel, composer, dies at 60 in the year 1788.
Aug 02 On this day in history thomas Gainsborough, English painter (Blue Boy), dies at 61
Aug 08 In the year 1788 louis FAD Duke the Richelieu, French marshal, dies at 92
Aug 14 In the year 1788 thomas Sheridan, actor/biographer/lexicographer (Intelligencer), dies
Sep 14 John Penn, US attorney, signed (Decl of Independence), dies at 47 on this day in history.
Sep 26 Francois Bainville, composer, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Oct 13 On this day in history death of robert Nugent, 1st Earl Nugent, Irish politician and poet (b. 1702)
Oct 15 Samuel Greig, Scottish-Russian admiral (b. 1735) died on this day in history.
Oct 18 On this day in history jean-Guillain Cardon, composer, dies at 56
Nov 01 On this day in history johann Samuel Schroeter, composer, dies
Nov 15 Peregrinus Pogl, composer, dies at 77 on this day in history.
Nov 28 In the year 1788 charles C of Nassau-Weilburg, governor of Maastricht, dies at about 53
Dec 06 In the year 1788 death of jonathan Shipley, British bishop and politician (b. 1714)
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