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Famous Birthdays In 1520

Saturday, 07 September 2024

Jan 01 In the year 1520 birth of franciscus Balduinus, [Francois Baudouin], lawyer Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Mar 03 Matthias Flacius, Croatian Protestant reformer (d. 1575) was born in the year 1520. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 01 Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland (1548-72) was born in the year 1520. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Aug 10 In the year 1520 birth of madeleine de Valois, wife of James V of Scotland (d. 1537) Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 13 On this day in history birth of william Cecil 1st baron Burghley, English premier Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard


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Famous Deaths In 1520

Famous People Died In This Year In History

Feb 05 Sten Sture the Younger, regent of Sweden (b. 1493) died on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Apr 06 Raphael [Sanzio], artist (Sistine Madonna), dies on his 37th birthday on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jun 24 Hosokawa Sumimoto, Japanese samurai commander (b. 1489) died on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jun 30 On this day in history death of montezuma II, the last Aztec emperor, killed Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 21 Selam I Jawuz, the Barse, poet/cruel sultan of Turkey, dies on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 22 In the year 1520 selim I, captured Baghdad/Sultan of Turkey (1512-20), dies at 53 Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Oct 28 Pier Gerlofs Donia, Frisian pirate and freedom fighter died on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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