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Famous Birthdays In 1415

Saturday, 07 September 2024

Mar 10 Vasili II of Russia (d. 1462) was born on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

May 03 On this day in history birth of cecily Neville, mother of Edward IV of England and Richard III of England (d. 1495) Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Sep 21 Frederick III, Innsbruck Austria, German Emperor (1440-1493) was born in the year 1415. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard


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Famous Deaths In 1415

Famous People Died In This Year In History

Mar 20 Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of England (1399-1413), dies at 45 in the year 1415. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Apr 15 On this day in history death of manuel Chrysoloras, Greek humanist and grammarian Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 06 In the year 1415 death of jan Hus, burned for heresy by the Church at Constance, Germany Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Jul 19 In the year 1415 death of philippa of Lancaster, wife of John I of Portugal (plague) (b. 1359) Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Oct 13 Thomas FitzAlan, 12th Earl of Arundel, English military leader (b. 1381) died on this day in history. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

Oct 25 Anton van Bourgondie, French son of Philip the Stout/duke, dies at 31 in the year 1415. Click To Send On Messenger Click To Send On WhatsappCopy This To Clipboard

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